Want to Win Essay Scholarships - Here are the Tips!

Internet not only facilitates in writing a quality essay, it even grants scholarships. There are numerous options to win a scholarship for yourself on the internet. All you have to do is to write an excellent essay, rich in content, structured and audience targeted. Most of the scholarships are granted, at an online competition organized by various institutions or websites.

The mantra for the scholarship essays is no different from that of the general essays. The only difference is that of the topic. The topic is unique and it is really hard to find information on it directly. They are not one of the topics, which may be a school or a college essay topic. In most cases they are argumentative essays, in which the ability to develop an argument and to logically conclude it is very important.  

The topic may be related to the world, state or to the organization sponsoring the award. There are many universities which even grant, scholarships for well written essays. The various departments of the universities acclaim every year few students for scholarship.  

For instance, the History department of University of Toronto, awards two scholarships to a student for writing the best, undergraduate essay. The two awards are All Souls Historical Essay Scholarship and Bertie Wilkinson Scholarship.  

You can see the long list of the award winning scholarship essays on My College Guide. Most of these essays are though provoking and are argumentative. Generally, the topics are political courage, Holocaust, and world peace. You can even have a look of the universities and institutions which sponsor these awards on the same site. This will help you have more chance to win appreciation.  

The most difficult task is to write an essay on the medical topic. It is really hard to pen down the medical topics in an essay. Even a good medico would feel the strain writing it. Thus, a medical topic should be attempted with lot of care and patience. An award is awarded to a student of emergency services for writing an essay on “critical incident stress and post traumatic stress disorder” by Tema Conter Memorial Trust. Here, you are also supposed to write the affects of this on the personal lives on the personnel of the emergency services.

The organizations award scholarships keeping few things in mind, namely:
• The power to think critically.
• The power to use mind analytically.
• The structure of the essay
• The language of the essay
• The introduction and the conclusion.

Critical Thinking scholarship Awards are organized by James Randi Educational Foundation, to check the critical skills of the students. There is no restriction to appear for the test. Students from any field can take up the test. The criteria for undertaking this exam are: potential academic background and their strategy to build their skills of critical thinking and its application to their chosen field.  

For Africa American students, The E. J. Josey Scholarship Award is organized by American Library Association. For this, you are supposed to write an essay of 1000-2000 words. The topic of the essay concerns the African American and minority group students and the library services available to them.  

The essay scholarships, is one of the easy and interesting way to ease the financial strain. So, gear up and let your critical ability combine with your creative energy and let the magic flow out of your pen.  



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