Free «Trumpeto concerto» Essay Sample

A trumpet concerto is often used to describe a concerto perfumed by a solo trumpet as well as instrument ensembles, typically the Orchestra. Such art have been composed from the Barongue era, when the singly concerto form first established. Some key composers that have contributed to the development of trumpet concerto include Joseph Haydn. The current-day trumpet concerto is occasionally structured in four or more movements compared to the ancient concerto which were structured in a three-movement instrument. However, some trumpet concertos such as the Baroque is often supplemented by chamber assembles.

L’Embarquement pour Cythèra

L’Embarquement pour Cythèra is one of the greatest paintings of Jean- Antoine Wateau who is a French Rocco. This art of work was first submitted to the Royal Academy in 1717. These paintings were basically based on love. In the early world, Cynthera, a Greek island was always believed to be a sacred birthplace of Venus. Thus, the island became holy to Venus, a goddess of love.  Later, wateau’s works led to other new entertainments’ such as fete galantes.



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Notably, Wateaus’ paintings are still celebrated across the world as well as trumpet concerto.  As a result of the extravagance of Baroque and Rococo, a common longing of the restraint of classism developed, leading to the emerging of the neoclassical movements in art.  For instance, the Pompeian styles that were used in wall paintings were adopted, incorporating Neoclassical Interior decoration. Many artists of this era often sought to unleash new grounds in the expression of subtle and stormy emotions that entailed Romantic Movement.

Ev’ry valley

Handel was a famous German- English Baroque musician. He is famous for his concerti grossi, Oratorios as well as opres. His classical music concerti ‘’every valley shall be exalted’’ is one of his famous Christian song celebrated across the world. The song was created using Handel’s best known-instruments that bring out the artistic vocal ranges of the instruments. He also used the sixteen keyboard suites that perfectly fit in the rhythmic of the song. Handel’s passages are played in various keys to bring out the various vocal voices (Stapert, 75).


Venus is a Latin word meaning a Roman goddess that represents love, fertility, victory, sex as well as prosperity. The festival of the Venus is commemorated to celebrate the great works that were performed by the Venus the goodness. Venus became a famous theme of painting as well as sculpture during the renaissance era in the Europe. As the goodness, a degree of sensual beauty in her appearance was justified. The statue of Venus was used to reinforce the failed moral and religious practices in the Roman Empire. The images of Venus are found in the Domestic murals, household shrines as well as mosaics.

Art is symbolic depiction of ideas as well as thoughts. It has the authority to move us. Various art works such as music and paintings are expressions of imaginations, creativity as well as feelings. Both the Handel’s works of arts and paintings of Venus goddess are both pleasing to the senses. They bring out the emotions and feelings of the distinct artists. They tend to tell an artistic story that is deeply profound. For instance, when you listen to Handel’s song Ev’ry valley shall be exalted, it deeply moves our souls.

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Schubert’s Der Erlkönig

Erlkonig that is also known as Der Erlkonig is a Wolfgang von Goethe poem. It depicts a child death after the child was assailed by supernatural being, the Erlkong or Erlking. The composition was done by Goethe as singspiel in 1782 entitled by Die Fischerin. The poem was then used as a text in art songs for the piano and songs Lieder by the many classical composers, with the Franz Schubert’s rendition, his opus, as the best known. More settings in the poem settings survived (Byron, 92). Beethoven then attempted to set it as music; however, he abandoned the effort. The best example was the pianist Marc Andre Hamelin’s who came after Goethe for piano solo basing on Erlkonig.

Turner’s Snowstorm at Sea

The dreadful catastrophe is common English theme in the English romantic art period. This romantic have been taken in a liking to the natural and the phenomena with shipwreck becoming a very popular. In the 19th century, the great English shipping period made it familiar with the shipwreck (Isham, 84). Still, the craftsmanship of the ships didn’t deter facts where man created vessel through the mercy of wind. The Snow Storm steam boat was off the Harbour’s Mouth ship shows from the English coast and struggled in perseverance through the storm. The invention of Harwich was most likely but the shows were striking proof of the Turner’s lifetime experience in the sea. The steam-boats resided from the centre of vortex. Once again, the effects of inabilities by mankind are shown by Turner.

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According to the painting and music above, both were validation of strong emotion and authentic sources of the aesthetic experience, placement of new emphasis on emotions such as apprehension, terror and horror, and the awe especially with the experience in the confrontation and sublimity of the untamed nature and the picturesque qualities, both were new aesthetic categories.

Describe Debussy’s Clair de

Achille- Claude Debussy was a French composer. He was one of the most prominent figures that are associated with the Impressionist music, even though he was intensely disliked in the term while he applied to the compositions. The music was also noted for the sensory component and often forming one key or the pitch (Debussy, 29). Often, Debussy’s work was reflected through the activities and turbulence in his life. In the French literary circles, style of the period is known as symbolism and the movement directly inspiring Debussy of both the composer and active cultural participant.

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Claude Monet's Impression Sunrise

It was in late 1860’s that Claude Monet and the other painters painted a new style known as the impressionism by the contemporaries. (Strieter, 58). First, the name was used by the critics, viewing of the new exhibition that was held in 1874, directed derisively and precisely at Monet painting of harbor at the dawn which was then titled Impression: sunrise. The painting is striking for it is an example of new style.

Painting movement and the music that was developed in the late 19th century in France reacting to the formalism and the sentimentality which is characterized through the academic art, and the 19th century music. The movement in impressionist is regularly considered to the mark and beginning of modern period art to lesser degree in music.



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