Free «Reflective on International Terrorism» Essay Sample

International terrorism is a subject that is both complex and wide. In actual details, it is the terrorism that is practiced in a foreign country of which the terrorists are not the natives of that country. Terrorism by definition is a calculated use of violence towards civilians in order to attain goals that are political or in other words religious. It can also be ideological in nature or executed by instilling fear in people using certain forms of cruelty. Terrorism in nature has diverse effects that have led to international reactions in that many have resolved to counter react while others are in support of terror based on the religious point of view (Martin, 2009).

Currently, terrorism is on the increase and ways of overcoming it are being sought in order to alleviate the agony and loss brought about by it. This therefore marks the reason for my study of international terrorism. As a soldier, I know that the majority victims of international terrorism are the civilians, and in most cases are affected for lack of the knowledge about it (Martin, 2009). Thus, my taking of this course, it will enable me to know the scope of terrorism, how it is carried out, strategies that motivate the terrorists, the possible ways we can use to overcome it as the Armed Forces and more so how we can overcome it and be secure home not only our borders but also our civilians. Since I expect to gain knowledge on International terrorism, how to prepare for it, how to overcome it along with the strategies used together with all the aspects involved, I can therefore use what I have learnt for this for a Homeland Security Cert. and possible Major.



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Currently as an Active Duty Army in the United States Army force, I have had the opportunity to engage in the army’s active role being always in operation. This has equipped me as well as enabled me to understand how terrorists operate and practical ways of combating them. I have had three tours to Iraq of which it is a territory of terrorists. This has given me insight on what the United States is doing from a army point of view in our counter terrorism strategy and effort. From this point and the knowledge gained in this course, I will be in a better position to know my role as a soldier in the international terrorism which has become an international moral panic. As a result, I will be in a position to apply this for a Homeland Security Cert. and possible Major.


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