Free «Women in the Workplace Problem» Essay Sample

The place of women at work is a burning issue of modern society. In spite of ongoing globalization, which defines social development processes, women are still regarded with old prejudices. The prejudices are based on the vision of a woman as a mother and a home keeper. Therefore, the significance of woman’s work lies in supplementing man’s activities. No matter how hard women try at their work and how high their qualifications can be, it will be not enough for them to get the same salaries as men do. Current statistics show that in America women earn 81% of men’s wages (Azad, 2012). Moreover, executive positions at the companies are mostly occupied by men. For instance, out of Fortune 500 corporate officers only less than 16% are women and only 2% of Fortune 500 and 1000 CEOs positions belong to them (Azad, 2012).

There is an assumption that the stereotypes about women are rooted in their natural abilities and caused by their upbringing. Obviously, women are prone to underestimating their achievements and regard mentioning them as boasting. Therefore, they do not demand pay rise or promotions as vigorously as men do. Chistopher Flett, a famous author, mentions that when his employees, a man and a woman, asked him for an increase in wages, the wage demanded by the man was 80,000$ and the woman’s was 55,000$. As they did equal job, both of them got a 68 000$ wage (Scharf, 2009).Other popular stereotypes are “women are not aggressive enough”, “they are empathetic”, “they are too emotional”, “they cannot accept criticism”, etc.



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Consequently, the stereotypes of women in the workplace challenge their climbing over the career ladder and even lead to gender discrimination. Women have to apply considerable efforts in order to get equal pay, promotions, and unbiased attitude at work. These obstacles prevent them from doing their best at their favorite jobs and, as a result, the companies they work for incur losses (Dodds, 2006).


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