Free «The Environmental Science» Essay Sample

The term environmental science refers to the study of chemical, biological and physical interaction between different environmental elements. It encompasses aspects of social sciences and several topical environmental issues such that include the destruction of the ozone and climate change. As an interdisciplinary field in academics, it provides a quantitative and integrated approach to environmental systems study. In a close perspective, it can be considered to be a branch of biology that deals with associations between living organisms and their environment. The extensive environmental science comprise of ecology as its subfield.

The relationship between science and technology is extremely vital and affects both the environmental solutions and problems. This is a key indicator that science and technology have a combination of bad and good effect as it offers a sustainable solution to environmental problems. As science and technology progressively changes, it shows us how the environment is affected (Mangun and Henning, 1999). These changes should thus be looked at to eradicate these effects. The nature of the modern society and its relationship with the notable science and technology makes them hard for the bond in-between to be strong.



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The two spheres of science and technology are considered as the major forms of human actions. They stand out as a basic human realization and expression together with social sciences and arts. It is essential to note than neither science nor technology is above the other as its effects and strengths are at par. They both work hand-in-hand to achieve a common goal. Input for outcomes and technological practices development is as a result of scientific knowledge and methodology.

Environmental sustainability is a very fundamental concept. Sustainability is the capacity to endure. It is a pliable application that gears in the direction of human needs. Sustainable biological system includes long-lived forests and wetlands. The rise of need for sustainability is due to fear associated with the present and future human living standards (Mangun and Henning, 1999). These fears include the depletion of fundamental, natural resources, lack of understanding of the complex interaction of the biosphere and the negative impacts on the environment.

Environmental sustainability is extremely essential to humans particularly for the long-term maintenance of their well being. It should be a conceptual outline that gives room to amendments that satisfy particular environmental problems. It is important to study environmental science due to a number of facts. One of the main reasons is the fact that individuals are able to carry out research to express diversity of regional, and cultural environmental sustainability (Bartlett, 1998). The future of the human race essentially depends on the study of environmental sustainability as it gives room to a predictable future.

There are various historical patterns that surround both sustainable and unsustainable human interactions with the environment. Some of these patterns include the use of the full range data from numerical time series to historical narratives. This assists in gaining insights from the past. New skills and techniques develop for integrating the dissimilar data sources of different characters. Several modeling approaches such as climatic circulation model focus majorly on the biophysical aspects of the Earth system for the future. If the human interaction with the environment is sustainable, the future is easily predictable and can thus give room for planning (Bartlett, 1998). In the case of unsustainable human interaction with the environment, human beings are given a tough task of living in an environment with an unpredictable future.

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Human values have a propensity to change as time goes by thus affecting society in different ways. As these values change, sustainability might be affected since it becomes virtually impossible to reverse them. The challenges facing sustainability needs a larger response. This might be done by increasing efforts and creativity that limit challenges like damages facing the environment. When changes in the environment occur they are most likely to affect human activities. Thus, it is utterly fundamental to have improvement in the forecast of environmental changes that have direct or indirect impact to human values. Actions taken by individuals like increasing productivity of agriculture might in time improve hydrological or biological systems of the seasonal climate. It would be unreservedly difficult to make effective decisions and actions of the complex interaction between human societies and natural processes if forecasts would not improve.

Some environmental changes are dangerous to human existence. High magnitude of linear changes can have a tremendous effect on humans if not identified or analyzed. Sectors like the health, food and water sectors are most likely to suffer if the regional climate experience discontinuous linear changes. Thus, improvement on response to global changes of the environment might lead to reduction of poverty and also improve the health of future generation.

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Difference in values and perceptions can create an enormous gap in the understanding of environmental sustainability. Individuals may lack information on improvement of their activities to incorporate environmental factors that create global sustainability. Since the current technology is used in the understanding of the consistent and rapid changes of the climatic patterns, those opposing it should learn to embrace it.

Environmental hazards, when not addressed, create significant discomfort on human health. They can lead to complications of the respiratory system, cardiovascular diseases or communicable diseases and even cancer. Long term exposure to some of these hazards like air, water and noise pollutions, might lead to fatal illnesses like lung cancer, asthma or even neuropsychiatric disorders. Measures should be taken to improve on the quality of air and water. These measures might include; modifying the quality of fuel or improvement on sanitation methods. People using Public Addressing systems should regulate the rate on which they address the public.

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Environmental science is thus an exceptionally essential fact that must be examined with a lot of scrutiny for there to be a better and predictable future for posterity. Humans show their response to environmental science and the environment in general through various actions such as migration, and creative invention through advanced technology. Explanations on the successes and failures of technology are conveyed through science. Technology gives a road map through which science gets a better view of the world. The study of environmental science should thus be sustained as it provides a quantitative and integrated approach to environmental systems study.


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