Free «The Green Approach» Essay Sample

The United States government desires to acquire a practical approach in escalating the number of fuel resourceful cars on the road to conserve the ecological unit for upcoming generations. Sustainability as a development viewpoint that accounts for economic, social and environmental goals, including impacts that are oblique, complex to assess, and isolated in time and space. Sustainable transportation requires more inclusive scheduling than what is frequently practiced. Conservation planning can provide an opportunity to categorize strategies that can help attain various goals. Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) defines environmentally sustainable transportation as, one that does not jeopardize public health or ecosystems and that meets needs for access consistent with the use of renewable resources that are below their rates of regeneration, as well as use of non-renewable resources below the rates of development of renewable substitutes (Dudson 103).

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Furthermore, ADB (2009) defines sustainable transportation system as one in which fuel consumption, vehicle emissions, safety, congestion, and social and economic access are of such levels that they can be sustained into the indefinite future without causing great or irreparable harm to future generations of people throughout the world. Therefore, allows the basic access and development needs of individuals, companies and society to be met safely and in a manner consistent with human and ecosystem health, and promotes equity within and between successive generations. It is affordable, operates fairly and efficiently, and offers a choice of transport mode, and supports a competitive economy, as well as balanced regional development. Moreover, it limits emissions and waste within the planet's ability to absorb them, uses renewable resources at or below their rates of generation, and uses non-renewable resources at or below the rates of development of renewable substitutes, while minimizing the impact on the use of land and the generation of noise (ô1).Concern about sustainability can be considered a reaction to increased specialization in the way institutions are organized, and the tendency of decision-makers to focus on easily measured goals and impacts, while ignoring those that are indirect or more difficult to measure like Measuring Transportation. Conventional planning often reflects a "reductionist" approach, in which a particular organization or individual is responsible for dealing with a particular problem. This may be appropriate in some situations, but it often results in solutions to one problem that exacerbate other problems or failure to implement solutions that provide modest but multiple benefits. Sustainable decision-making can therefore be described as Comprehensive Planning that considers a variety of goals and impacts regardless of how difficult they are to measure (Dudson 104).

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Sustainable planning and economics habitually refer to the triple bottom line, meaning contemplation of economic, social and environmental impacts. Conventional planning typically uses a 5-20 year time-frame, less than one generation. Sustainability incorporates concerns about long-term risks, such as exhaustion of resources, destructive pollution and climatic alteration that may impair people in future decades or even centuries. Transportation amenities and activities have significant sustainability impacts socially like inequity of impacts, mobility disadvantaged, human health impacts, community cohesion and livability. Economically like traffic congestion, mobility barriers, crash damages, transportation facility costs and consumer transportation costs. In addition to environmental impacts like a ir, water and noise pollution, climate change, hhabitat loss and hydrologic impacts. As a result, strategies that increase transportation system effectiveness and reduce unconstructive impacts from transportation are amongst the most successful ways to make advancement toward sustainability objectives (118-119).Since transportation activities have so various impacts related to sustainability, it is essential to discover strategies that help realize multifaceted objectives, and shun those that solve one transportation problem but exacerbate others. This is referred to as Comprehensive Planning. For instance, a plan or agenda that reduces traffic obstruction but increases air contamination emissions or crashes cannot be considered a sustainable elucidation. Similarly, a policy that reduces power utilization and air pollution emission, but increases traffic congestion, crashes and consumer expenses is not essentially a sustainable approach. The most sustainable strategies are those that concurrently help diminish traffic congestion, pollution, crashes and consumer expenditure, increase mobility options for non-drivers, and promote more proficient land use patterns, or at least evade contradicting these objectives. In other word, it should be a balanced transportation solution (Lee ô1-2).According to Lee, numerous strategies have been projected to generate more sustainable transportation. The majority engage either technical modernization or Transportation Demand Management. Sometimes these are presented as mutually exclusive, but most objective research indicates that a combination of strategies is needed to achieve sustainability goals. For example, fuel efficient and substitute fueled vehicles can help reach resource maintenance and effluence diminution objectives, but demand management is required to tackle other objectives, such as facility cost savings and improved travel choices for non-drivers. The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) has acknowledged the need to change current transport planning practices to incorporate sustainability objectives, as discussed in the report "Transportation: Invest in Our Future".

It states that America's transportation system has served us well, but now faces the challenges of congestion, energy supply, environmental impacts, climate change, and sprawl that threaten to undermine the economic, social, and environmental future of the nation. With 140 million more people expected over the next 50 years, past practices and modern trends are not sustainable. To meet the transportation requirements of the present and pass on a better world to our offspring and grandchildren, it is obligatory to inflate the transportation network's competence while concurrently reducing the environmental path of the system (ô3-5).The report urged transportation judgment makers to implement the so-called "triple bottom line" approach to sustainability by evaluating performance on the foundation of economic, social, and environmental impacts and allocating equivalent concern to these dynamic forces. The precise essentials of the triple bottom line approach and the steps necessary to accomplish them can be summarized as: Vigorous economic intensification, which delivers a sustainable, high-performance transportation system in support of a robust economy by first optimizing accessible infrastructure, then reshaping demand, and finally expanding prudently.Secondly, enhanced value of life for all citizens whose major aim is to improve quality of life by integrating transportation with the built environment by using the full tool kit, including context sensitive solutions, land use policy, and diversified mode choice. Finally, Better-than-before health of the environment that embraces environmental stewardship as a preeminent approach to delivering transportation services that effect in a zero carbon track and a "better-than-before" environment (Beatley 339).


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