Free «Ethics Awareness Inventory» Essay Sample

Ethics awareness inventory is all about issues that are expected to clear any form of ambiguity in various lines of work. Human beings require a lot of guidance during their work so that they work according to stipulated schedule, which benefit both parties mutually. An ethical dilemma is normally considered a complex situation that often requires adequate mental reasoning; however, failure to obey each of them will result in transgression. In philosophy, this is also termed ethical paradox because it places an individual in a critical dilemma. It is always important to consider reactions to ethical dilemmas that occur in real life. Such reactions assist in shaping up the future and next courses to take in other actions (The National Organization for Transplant Professionals, 2008).

In New York, a group of doctors carried out a study about transplant tourism with an aim to establish whether the practice is ethical to the society. Transplant tourism is rising within the United States simply because doctors are frowning towards this kind of treatment. However, patients on the other end are travelling to other countries such as India, China and Philippines just to get their transplantation done (The National Organization for Transplant Professionals, 2008). Transplant surgery is becoming an ethical dilemma that is very recent and it is one considered very critical to people suffering from organ failures. American medical professionals are shying away from a job that has more money because they are afraid of several factors, which affect transplant issues (Science News, 2010).



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Medical professionals perceive these tourists to be persons risking their lives greatly. During transplantation of organs, patients can be subjected to surgical techniques that are substandard. There can be other issues such as poor organ matching, post-transplant infections and unhealthy donors. These factors are considerably prompting many health institutions within the United States to avoid treatment of such patients. Due to these risks, the US medical associations however, have designed tourism policies and other guidelines, which are aimed at advising clinicians about ethics of care to the transplant tourists (The National Organization for Transplant Professionals, 2008).

The United States is experiencing shortages of available organs for transplant and as a result, transplant tourism is now growing in popularity among many patients awaiting organ transplantation. According to the United Network of Organ Sharing (UNOS), the US tops the world with 105,000 Americans who are on the candidate list awaiting transplant. This body also reported that a further 15,000 patients are on a waiting list for liver transplantation. Shockingly in light with these data, the UNOS data shows a high decline in donor-ship. Living donors are decreasing by 1.7% and deceased donors are reducing to a level of 1.2% during 2008 (Science News, 2010).

The 2008 report by UNOS seems to be rather paradoxical in nature because patients tend to take longer time in waiting list so that they can be assisted. In a very recent case, one Chinese accountant aged 46 years old booked to have liver transplant. This patient lasted for a year on UNOS registry waiting list. After all this time, the accountant decided to go to China for transplantation. Upon arrival in China, the transplantation was done in two weeks. After this transplantation and back in the US, the patient sought follow up care in Mount Sinai medical center. Follow up care was duly provided but after a while, the accountant then developed a disorder called biliary sepsis. This condition required hospitalization and later, re-transplantation was considered the only option by the medical officers.

Based on the above case, team members in the medical field within the United States disagreed with the whole idea of transplantation. Initially, the patient was practically and medically fit and suitable candidate but the results turned out to be wrong after the transplant. Some doctors perceived that organ transplant for the accountant was morally upright but then, its results did not come up as expected. Still, the transplant team proceeded well with liver transplant for the accountant but now in the American soil.

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Organ transplant though slow in the United States seems to bring about extremely perfect results. Now that doctors are faced with the ethical dilemmas, it is becoming necessary for them to make decisions that are outside their normal code of medical ethics. This subject is highly paradoxical because transplant teams have to take into action very many factors before such transplants occur (The National Organization for Transplant Professionals, 2008). Conditions within the environment also contribute to transplant tourism rising in the United States.


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