Free «Human Resource Practices» Essay Sample

Human resource practices are affected by the disparities in different cultures. Since human resource is based on people, the difference between people in different parts of the word will affect the way in which human resource processes are practiced. There are many aspects of the human resource field. Some of these include management of human capital, compensation of employees, and relationship between the different workers in an organization among others.

This paper will focus on two countries, namely the United States of America and the United Arab Emirates. Human resource practices in these two countries are very different. For instance, the issue of gender is contentious in the human resource front. One will find that the United States labor market is accommodative to both men and women. Both the social and corporate cultures in this country allows for full participation of both genders. The same cannot be said for the UAE. While the trend of shunning women away from the labor force is decreasing, there is still some of this practice going on. This is one of the major cultural effects that are reflected on the human resource processes.



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Other processes that will be discussed in this paper include recruitment, terms of appointment of individuals in these countries, performance evaluation, and code of conduct among others. The main focus will be how different cultural practices in these two countries affect their human resource policies.

There are different methods that are used to measure cultural differences in countries. According to Hofstede, these include power distance, uncertainty avoidance, masculinity versus femininity and individualism versus collectivism. These influence the way a people behave at the workplace. For instance, in the UAE, masculinity is more pronounced than femininity, while in the USA, they tend to strike a balance. This paper will use this theoretical base to further analyze the human resource practices in the two countries.


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