Free «Activity-Based Travel Forecasting» Essay Sample

The travel industry has undergone and encountered tremendous changes in the recent times. This article by Christina Heyniger and Xola Consulting gives some the changes that have occurred in the adventure-travel aspects in terms of growth in outdoor participation, human powered activities, in the outdoor gear retail industry and the overall growth in the tourism industry. Among the top preferred categories are the adventure tours eco tours, cultural tours and heritage tours which has registered a growing popularity in the recent past

Another aspect that has been constantly changing is the increase in the number of women engaging in adventure-travel activities which is particularly fueled by their increase in purchasing power. This trend cuts across all ages, family configurations and fitness levels. The adventure activities that they participate in may include skill building, intellectual spiritual and journaling. In addition to this, two categories of people have been identified as enthusiasts and participants. Participants are those who are over 16 years of age and who believe they must engage in tourist activities at least once in a year while enthusiasts on participate periodically with no consistency (Heyniger and Xola Consulting).



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There has been a recorded change in the retail sector associated with the tourism industry. The sales and earnings momentum have been on the rise basically due to the increasing number of travelers. It is important to note that women contribute positively on the sales due to the variety of their products which constantly emerge. The aspiration versus inspiration aspect has contributed to the change of mindset that has led to the shift to the outdoor recreations presumably for search of solitude and peace.

The final aspect of change in the travel industry is the age-bracket of the participants whereby there has been an increase in executive participation and nearly more than fifty percent of those who travel annually are adults rather than in the past where the majority of those who traveled who tourists in the mid-twenties. It is important also to note that there has been an increase in purchase of sporting goods and binoculars associated with the outdoor travel. It is there conclusive to say that there has been a change that positive affects the travel industry where the elements considered are the physical components, nature of the component and the cultural component (Heyniger and Xola Consulting).

There are various travel issues that have been of concern in many countries and the world at large. These issues require certain specific models and applications that will help in the addressing of travel and forecasting methods. One of the current issues is the making of the models that will be used in activity travels and forecasting. This has been done in the United States of America and aims at supporting the policy actions that have been always failing to be addressed by the current methods and applications.

There has been a period of collecting ideas and opinions, modeling and simulations that are the subject of the travel issues of the present time. The issues are both of short and long term and hence are of great concern and should be handled with maximum care. In the long time gone, most of the activities were considered as predominantly esoteric approaches with very few applications. The past and unresolved issues are being given a greater chance in the amendment process that will act to solve the problems from occurring in future (Goulias).

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Proper design of the transport system by the design engineers based on the population within the metropolitan city should be addressed so as to reduce traffic jams and congestion in future. The bridges and the drainage system should be addressed so as to avoid the environment being polluted hence causing inconveniences (Goulias). The number of vehicles anticipated in the future, the costs and the general economic stability of the country to sustain such projects. The flyovers and round about should be designed in a way that will not inconvenience other people and to reduce the number of accidents. Thorough inspection of unroad-worthy vehicles and unqualified drivers is an issue of agency so to maintain safe and orderly travel system.

The current technologies especially the transport intelligence system has been designed to monitor the movement of vehicles and people and to detect inconvenience arising to sent a signal for action to be taken. Even though there is no complete travel and forecasting methods in travel industry to monitor every person and the activities undertaking, security sensitive areas need to be addressed first. The adoption of the modern technology and the legislation of the rules and regulations guiding the whole process is a major step which needs to be taken seriously so as to get solutions to the emerging issues in travel (Goulias).


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