Free «Critique of a Criminal Justice Newspaper» Essay Sample


Word crime signifies the individual act against the law and humanity. Therefore, each criminal act needs to be dealt according to the applied criminal justice system. By defining the “criminal justice system”, it is a systematic procedure to control the law-in-order situation in the society according to the defined rules and regulations and discourage crimes by punishing the culprits. Moreover, criminal justice system is about to punishing those who violate the laws and putting them into the process of criminal justice. Government’s preliminary responsibility is to build a sufficient criminal justice system to secure the lives and wealth of citizens. Because, nothing is most important than human life, therefore, life should be protected with a speedy and superior justice system.

Selected article:

The selected news article “Ahern announces changes to criminal justice system” is about the implemented criminal justice system in Ireland and the new reforms initiated by the minister of justice “Dermot Ahern”. The core emphasize of the reforms is about speedy procedures of criminal justice system. Many justice reforms are introduced in the new bill major part of them based on victim facilitation. It also facilitates the victim’s families and introduced the new technological means to speedup the system. The victim friendly criminal justice system reforms are greatly welcomed not only by the victims who again victimized to go trough into the sluggish criminal justice system.



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Systematic vs. sluggish justice:

In the articles stated above the reforms of criminal justice system has been highlighted. The article has perfectly covered the new initiatives by the Irish government and critically analyzed them to put out the actual state. The common sense tells that joining the word system with anything needs to have some systematic constituents not the sluggish ones. Therefore, article clearly defines the definite vision of Irish government regarding speedup the criminal justice system. The minister of justice have superbly sketched and articulated the new innovative and justice friendly reforms which particularly facilitate the victims.

Research work:

The hectic research work done in the course of writing this news article can be realized with the quoted information. The quoted information provides exact denotation of the new initiated bill which is going to part of bylaw. It is commonly recognized that legal matter can not be dealt languidly, therefore, news on legal matters puts strong obligation to the news writers to preserve the accurate perception when presenting it to the readers. The above article is a piece of preserve and accurate perception of the topic.

Presentation of the article:

Article presentation is professional, it superbly covered the topic and beautifully explained the discourse. The arrangement of information and simple explanation has made it a common discourse which is easy to understand. Article emphasizes and core element of the article is victim facilitation. A comprehensive debate to discuss the new government initiatives to enhance the facilitation has made it interesting for the reads.


At the end of treatise it can be realized that the justice is reliant on the criminal justice system. Moreover, strong criminal justice system is basic right of every human being which assures the prosperous life for them. Therefore, it is mandatory to upgrade the criminal justice system to meet the upcoming challenges. For this the example of Irish government is in front of us who have taken the right decisions to reform the sluggish justice system. Therefore, the news article talked above about the Irish criminal justice system and the government’s new initiatives for reforms of justice system is a perfect example of excellent criminal justice system. The article is a complete document from the technical aspects of legal field to the scientific and artistic aspects of writing.


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