Free «Internet Governance» Essay Sample

The concept of internet governance has gained significant interest among many people today (Knahl, 2009). More than before, many institutions are becoming aware of the importance of governing the use of the internet and regulating content in the interest of people, voters, workers and other users of the internet (Brousseau, Marzouki, & Me%u0301adel, 2012). As the IT manager of MMTTECH LCC, I have played a significant role in matters of internet governance. In this position, I have helped develop effective allocation of internet resources in Africa. Internet governance concerns itself with how well users use internet resources to meet their personal goals or achieve business objectives. In the recent past, I have helped many institutions resolve resource conflicts and address resource utilization needs. Notably, I have worked with some major institutions in West Africa in designing effective programs for resource utilization. Consequently, I have helped some organizations distribute their internet resources to meet their needs.



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I have also played a role in formulating internet policies for several institutions. MMTTECH LCC has opened a wide array of opportunities for me to practice Internet governance. In recent years, I have participated in committees formulating policies on internet usage in the United States and Africa, as well. In these committees, my input was significant in creating policies that are not only rational, but foster norms and values critical in achieving sound use of the internet.

Most importantly I have helped assess the effectiveness of internet standardizations. This role has made me assess and make recommendations of some internet standards that needed change. Working with other teams from United States, I have played an indispensable role in aligning internet standards with IT deployment strategies among some institutions. Through my participation in these tasks, I believe that my input has been instrumental in shaping institutions towards recognizing and implementing policies and standards that meet acceptable internet usage. Notably, I have also gained significant experience while working with other teams in the United States and Africa, as well.


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