Free «The woman in Caryl Churchill’s Top Girls» Essay Sample

The marvelous movie, Top Girls, produced and directed by Caryl Churchill, is regarded as the most unique and difficult, to understand a piece of scripting. Focus on the challenges that the modern working woman has to contend within an ever changing society is featured prominently in the movie. The demands of juggling motherly responsibilities and work responsibilities are featured in the perspective of women who have done it, juxtaposed against the new breed of women having an intention to go that far. The movie underlined the expertise of Churchill as a seasoned playwright and also became a regular around the world as part of the canon of women theatre. It is also a classical act, equaled by none and revered by movie critics.

Top Girls movie has major boosts in its quest for a standout work in the movie world. Critics marvel at the unusual techniques, adopted by Caryl Churchill. These techniques are listed as including a nonlinear construction, an overlapping dialogue, and a mix of fantasy and reality. The thematic explicit ideas, the perfect characterization and flowing plot are parts of the development that enable the audience to comprehend the points to which Churchill wanted to drive to. In addition, the development of the play contrives to trap the audience glued, strategically keeping the audience in suspense. Though the message is elaborate, it is not easy to grasp it immediately. Therefore, I believe that my writing will essentially attract and inform the audience to appreciate this piece of work more. Though the scenes appear disjointed and the message appears muddled, there is no complexity upon closer observation. This essay will fill the vacuum that has made most critics’ content, "Like most of Churchill's work, it is about nothing simple and easily capsulated” (Spencer).



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The motivation to write about Caryl Churchill’s marvelous work has been inspired by the mixed feelings elucidated in me. The onset of the movie was confusing, but the movie transitioned into a thoroughly enjoyable piece of art. Caryl adopted a special style unmatched by no one at the time. The representation of the intrigues and struggles that define a successful woman is the thematic quest of the movie and is attained through great tact and interchange (Stafford-Clarke). The movie does so by diligently comparing the women in history to the successful women in modern history. This is a strategic and well calculated move that deviates from the audience expectation on presentation. The captivating approach presents the diverse view of women emotions pitted against the tough expectations of the contemporary society.

Thematically, the movie explores the path of women in the quest for success in motherhood, power and freedom. In women’s career, the movie focuses on the successes of women, the identity and the speech inclination. It also indulges into the world of motherhood for career women, explores the difficulties in juggling the roles as top performers in the corporate arena and excellence in the challenging calling of being a mother. Careers come with power inclinations. Subsequently, women in careers have lots of expectations on their shoulders. It also has to define how they perceive and deal with oppression either through rebellion or submission, which are amongst the themes of the movie. All this is encapsulated, in the hopeful quest for freedom; and hope and freedom are also the themes. The modern woman is known to stop at nothing in the quest for power and financial security. In the process, women make many sacrifices and Caryl was spot on in the representation of these themes through well orchestrated characterization and well thought out script.

My lack of experience in movie directing, production, or scripting means that it will be impossible to replicate the successes of Caryl Churchill. Even then, I intend to establish the uniqueness of Caryl’s work. I also intend to, determine the differing perceptions of the readership. Through secondary materials, I intend to engage in a thorough research that will bring together the reviews, the appreciations and the plot analysis of Caryl’s marvelous piece of writing. I also intend to engage Internet resources and establish the extent to which the audience that has watched the movie is perceived as the movie’s successes. Finally, I intend to seek expert opinions about the movie from someone with wide experience in movies. This approach will give me a multidimensional approach which will position my essay on both ends and appreciate the input, concerns and commendations of the parties to be considered.

The target audience will be people who have found the movie less interesting or not appealing at all. I intend to inform them of the strong message in the movie and how it focuses on the issues affecting the feminine gender in modern society. I also intend to target those that do not like movies alongside those that are yet to watch the movie and present it as a marvelous piece of art worth of their time. The overall aim is to make the audience watch the movie, appreciate its strong points and register its awesome presentation of the underlying message. The movie depicts the great challenges that the modern working women endures. The movie is an epic work, a perfect representation of the world of women, and it cannot be ignored in the quest for excellent literature works especially those that are inclined to the feminine gender.

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Top Girl is a fantasy creation bringing different epochs of time to interact in the present time. The story is about notable women of stature who battled with a patriarchal society for their place in history. The characters are from as far back as AD 855 with Pope Joan representing that time bracket. The larger domain of thematic concerns all through the movie is the way women fight not just against day to day challenges, but largely against a social construct eternally biased against women. The patriarchal society they find themselves in places women as subjects who must play along set rules but not necessarily taking part in setting the rules. Pope Joan’s desire for education that was only a man’s preserve forces her to get creative and bend the rules by pretending to be a boy, something that becomes her greatest undoing in the course of time.

The glamour of the movie is in operating the puppet strings of time by keeping the character women in their character time. The starring women are clothed in their attire representing their fashion sense at the time while their mannerisms tend largely to converge on their utmost desires, to conquer and be free of the patriarchal manacles. The craftiness they employ, the tricks they play on men, and the limitations of systemic exclusion tell a story that is not only represented, but also shared across generations. Churchill plays a role of bringing these women together to tell their story and share, by partying, the successes albeit small of the conquests they made each in their own small ways. If anything they succeed in, ensuring that little by little they break the back of the oppressive cultures through the generations, for each of the women in succeeding generations seems to have a piece more from the previous generation’s conquests. Churchill’s style and ideas allow a collective peek in history summarily to capture the story and struggles of women who refused to play by common rules.


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