Free «Umm Kulthum» Essay Sample


Artists are cultural legacies of a nation. In the performing art the significance and effectualness of engaging melodies has been widely recognized. In early nineteen the very organized and competitive era of performing art, it was quite hard to recognize oneself the best. However, one melody queen of Egypt has done it with her melodic voice. Non other than else she is Umm Kulthum the one and only most famous and most melodious voice of the century. She recognized herself as one of the Arab world most famous and distinguished singer.

Umm Kulthum biography:

Very bright and vibrant singer Umm Kulthum was daughter of an imam. Because of the religious environment she used to recite Quran. Therefore, her teacher Abol Ela Mohamed who was also a singer had depicted her talent of beautiful and melodious voice. Ultimately she met with Zakariyya Ahmad a renowned composer and odist. She had visited many a time to Zakariyya Ahmad in 1920 in Cairo and then permanently settled there. After the start of her melodious career she met many famous and well established poets, composers and musicians who played a pivotal role to craft her talent and success ("Almashraq").



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Her credentials:

Singing is soul of performing art. It would be not wrong to say that Umm Kulthum had performed the melodies with soul touching affect. That is why the people of Egypt and even the whole Arab world had have greatly influenced by the Umm Kulthum songs. Her credentials in the singing field are unmatched. Her melodious voice and classical style have had slaved the listeners into the never ending melodic magic. She had achieved title of most accomplished singer of her century in the whole Arab world. These credentials distinguished her from others and made her queen of melody.

Her contributions:

She had contributed to the music and only music through out her life. In 1934 she accomplished the status of most famous singer of Egypt. She had worked and through her work she proved her class. Her matchless contributions in the melody ground cannot be forgotten. She had been admired by many professional like Jah Wobble has asked about Umm Kulthum that her work has great influence on him. Moreover, Bob Dylan said, "She's great. She really is. Really great." And a list of admirers is here to share Maria Callas, Jean-Paul Sartre, Marie Laforêt, Salvador Dalí, Nico, Bono, Farin Urlaub, and Led Zeppelin. Therefore, it is not about the fans the listeners but Kulthum's music has widely influenced to the professionals. This unending list describes her contribution to the music and field professionals. Her personality, classic style and voice had been inspired and influenced out of the boundaries. Her famousness has shown that there is no boundary for art and artist.

Her influence on Arab countries:

The era of colonialism and modernity had affected much to the Arab counties. At that time the message with melody of Umm Kulthum created sweet environment to strengthen the nation. The people express great feeling about listening Umm Kulthum. They explained their feelings into wording. It is like leaving all worries and troubles behind. And only having smooth and lively feeling during listening melodies of queen Umm Kulthum (Ulaby).


Soul and music are most relevant and it is not wrong to say that music is meal of soul. Music has direct contact with soul if the melody is perfectly pumped. And the singing art has beautifully performed by the melody queen Umm Kulthum. She is not died even yet after her death, because, she live in the hearts of the listeners. Her melodic voice makes people more comfortable and they feel freedom. There is Umm Kulthum history, legacy and never ending melodies sung by her are saved forever in the hearts and minds of Arabic people.


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