Free «United Airline's Major Competitors» Essay Sample

Since January 2010, there appeared to be only three significant full-service American carriers. They included United Continental, American and Delta. Rivalry started to be more strenuous among the conventional carriers as the level of doing business travel diminished. To save funds, businesses implemented the use of e-mail, video conferencing, and some other Internet-centered active systems that help to relay information devoid of a face-to-face discussion. Even more substantial, possibly, were slashes in corporate costs and enhanced governance, which resulted in a lesser number of accepted trips and more prices for awareness amid business travelers.

The commonalities between United and its main rivals are far more significant than their distinctions. All work on a hub-and-spoke route network, trying to efficiently move people all over the land and internationally. They all function with a mainline service with big jets and stretch their reach across systems of local affiliates and international connections. They all concentrate on the business traveler, supplying service improvements and repeated flyer devotion programs to catch the attention of the business section of the market. Nevertheless, these organizations vary, in their background, dimensions, and hub areas.



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Delta provides 350 destinations in over 70 countries with 700-aircraft fleet. In 2008 Delta merged with Northwest Airlines to obtain a larger market share. Its hub-and-spoke system enhanced passenger plane transfers, which were harmonized with flight landing as well as leaving times. American Airlines' aircrafts number 900 jets with 275 000 passengers ready to fly 3400 flights to national as well as international locations in over 40 countries on a daily basis. United produces 2000 flights daily to 150 destinations all over the world. As one can see, for United Airlines to continue to be on the appropriate level, it has to continuously grow its fleet potential, increase the number of countries for flights both domestically and internationally and work on marketing to remain at the lead.


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