Free «An Event» Essay Sample

My name is Marcos Ferreira. Mr. Sergio Wilson is my friend. We met at the University of Nebraska at Omaha where we shared a Programming C++ class. Sergio was very helpful to me and my fellow classmates, and this is how I came to know him.

Sergio is a man of a kind. Principled, full of great values, and one who is cherished by his friends. However, the turns of events have not been in Sergio’s favor. Not what I would have ever thought.

On January of 2008, Sergio and I became roommates. I started my teaching job at Omaha public school where I taught math, while Sergio attended Creighton University. Sergio helped me a lot through the course of my teaching. He often came over and made engaging interactions with the students, ensuring that they understood the importance of education. He was fun to have around and much a positive influence to the Latino students.

In July 2009, Sergio met Melissa and they fell instantly in love. Sergio was in love with Melissa and it seemed so with Melissa. She often proclaimed at our usual Saturday and Sunday breakfast that she was ready to get married and start a family. I was concerned but my friend wanted to be with his love.



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They got engaged soon and spent even more time together planning their wedding. Sergio moved his things gradually to Melissa’s apartment and at the culmination of our lease I helped him move the rest.

Sergio then got into a working relationship with Melissa’s father. I met that man a few times and he did not appear to me as an easy to work with. He seemed complicated. I have known Sergio to excel at a job, I haven’t heard a complaint yet, and I am sure Melissa’s dad appreciated this as an opportunity. Sergio moved to work at Red Oak, Iowa. That’s Melissa’s hometown, and later on I got news that Melissa was pregnant.

The working relationship with Melissa’s father was tough for Sergio. He was not the man I first met. He often told me that he felt mistreated by Melissa’s father and his staff. He questioned his being in the business. I advised him to seek employment elsewhere. However, he continued working there with a positive mind like he has always.

The mistreatment came alive when Melissa’s father stated that he never expected his daughter to marry someone from Panama, at Sergio and Melissa’s wedding ceremony.


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