Free «Denver Neighborhoods» Essay Sample

Denver is the most heavily populated city in Colorado State of the United States, being ranked the 26th most populous U.S. city by the 2009 census. The city is surrounded by several neighborhoods including; Uptown, North Capitol Hill (commonly referred to as Uptown by a majority of people), Highlands and LoDo among others. Capitol Hill neighborhood which constitutes 3.44% of the total population of Denver has expanded over the years due to its affordability of houses, architectural designs and the metropolitan disposition, attracting people of all races especially the young people. With this increase in population, the rate of crime in Capitol Hill has also escalated. The most common crimes in this neighborhood are violent crimes, property crimes, drug abuse and prostitution. The crime rate in this neighborhoods is far beyond the average crime rate in Denver as well as nationally, with 212 crime incidents in every 1000 people being reported. Below is a table comparing crime rate in Capitol Hill and Denver in 2007.



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The increased rate of criminal activities in Denver’s neighborhoods has prompted the Denver Police Department to act to control this menace. As a result, they have arrested several culprits who are mainly illegal drug dealers as well as gangs terrorizing Denver residents. According to Dinar, this crackdown has significantly lowered crime rate in Denver. In addition, the police have also given warning to the public against walking at night on streets unaccompanied; law enforcement against criminal activities has also been enforced.

Besides, citizens of Capitol Hill have also been involved in the neighborhoods consolidated plan, which is concerned with the community’s input on the issue of crime. In this plan, citizens are availed of the opportunity to express and share their judgments with regard to the handling of crime matters in the neighborhood. They are also involved in coming up with methods of attaining community development. Some of the methods which have been employed include: investigating low-income citizens so as to familiarize with the problems that they are facing, provision of communication channels and formation of organizations which assist in rehabilitation of the crime affected individuals among others.

According to the Denver Division, Denver police department has employed other people in addition to the police officers such as detectives, administrators, dispatchers as well as record keepers. For instance, detectives and administrators work closely with the Denver sheriff department to help in solving crimes that take place within multiple jurisdictions. That close relationship has enabled them to share important information concerning ongoing crimes within the surrounding communities, thus, enhancing the effectiveness of the Denver police department. In addition, the FBI, Denver Division has conducted community outreach programs, where students from the adjacent communities are trained both in class and practically on firearms demonstrations, practical problems on how to collect and preserve physical evidence, as well as the operations and structure of an FBI office in the field.

Denver city has also been sending its FBI and special agents to schools and civic meetings to provide knowledge on the emerging crimes and security threats, as well as offering advice on what people should do to prevent them from being victims of such crimes. Besides, the FBI, Denver Division has been encouraging the neighboring communities to come forward to give information on crimes, and also to testify in court against criminals. An article that appeared on 9News.Com on 21 October, 2011, reported that Denver city has spent about $365,000 on security since the commencement of Occupy Denver demonstrations. This shows just how the city is committed to providing security to its people.

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I give Denver City a rating of 9/10 on its efforts to curb crime within the city and its neighborhoods. From the above crime prevention programs and measures, it is evident that the city is committed to controlling its biggest problem; crime. The efforts being made by Denver city are aimed at providing security to its people, including their properties. Interference by politicians is however a big hindrance to the city of Denver in its efforts to stamp out crime in that city, especially where, influential people (drug dealers) are involved. This has hampered fair administration of justice.

The Denver through its police department and FBI are committed to curbing crimes from Denver and its surroundings. However, with continued interference from external forces such as politicians, nothing much will be achieved. Therefore, the Denver police department should be left to function independently, without outside interference. Only then will they be able to function properly and effectively.


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