Free «Description and Narration» Essay Sample

Vietnam War MemorialsThe Vietnam War caused rifts and acrimony over its mission and purpose both for the American people and the Vietnamese. Many people wished to forget such a humiliating mission in the face of American history. . However, in 1985, a monument was erected in commemoration of this war that Americans hesitated to be involved in. The main purpose of this monument was generally to highlight the consequences of war and specifically highlight a futile war that led to great losses and sunk many hearts.

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The Vietnam Veteran plaza is a Memorial located in Manhattan which was dedicated to the honor of 250,000 men and women from New York who served in America's armed forces and especially those close to 2000 who died in the Vietnam War...The commission set up for the sake of the memorial raised money to finance the memorial and offer employment and counseling to the veterans. This led to the setting aside of Jeannette Park as the future site for the memorial before it was renamed.

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The monument is a translucent glass block wall on which excerpts of poems and letters are engraved plus diary entries of soldiers. There is a granite shelf running along the basement of the monument where visitors leave souvenirs like candles, pictures and flags. The monument was recently renovated in order to educate and inform visitors. There is an etched map on stainless steel that provides the map that highlights the geography of Vietnam and the battle zones Names of New York soldiers who died in the war are engraved on granite pylons A black granite landscaping and fountain gives a welcoming feeling and space for meditation.American men and women fought and died in the Vietnam War. This beautiful monument serves as a sad reminder of these brave people who died for the defense and integrity of the county even though in a much opposed war.


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