Free «Equal Rights for Women» Essay Sample

The position of women in society is still quite a debatable issue. Many people have risen to protect the rights of women due to different reasons. Gender equality is still a topical issue nowadays. This paper will focus on some of the reasons why women should be granted the equal rights in the modern society.

Bad upbringing of a male child leads to abuse of women in a family institution. According to Mary Wollstonecraft, some boys are not brought up to care, develop, and nurture affection, which leads to the hardening of the heart, and finally, their understanding weakens. These kinds of boys need guidance when forming any institution with any woman as they tend to abuse women both physically and psychologically. Women have become home prisoners, and they raise children under difficult conditions only to be disrespected and disowned later (Clark & Poortenga, 2003).

Men who have chosen to remain chaste are accused to be the cause of many vices that have befallen women. A man was created to be with a woman, not with another fellow man. Wollstonecraft wonders why men would cling together in the same bedchamber and ignore to fulfill their benevolent duties of life. Men with less cultivated modesty cause deprivation of social relationships.



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Educating female children is a key to empowering women against being abused. Unless girls are taken to school, women will not be in a position to fulfill the duties that pertain to them. To prevent this, women need to be independent of men, just as a man is independent of fellow men. Both man and woman should consider each other as companions. Denying girls a chance to attend school together with males is denying boys lessons of decencies such as politeness, soberness of the mind, and elegance of sincerity (Clark, Lints, & Smith, 2004).

Wollstonecraft wants women to be unsexed. That is, they became equipped both in body and mind to put an end to judging them by their level of beauty alone. Mary Wollstonecraft advocates for the education of a girl child, but parents mostly ignore this aspect of upbringing. Just like Wollstonecraft, every member of society has a responsibility of advocating for women rights.

There is enough evidence to show that women have the same potential as men, if not more. There are many examples in the past and in the present time which illustrate the potential that women have. Take the example of the Late Waangari Maathai, the founder of the Greenbelt Movement. Coming from a nation which does not lay much emphasis on planting trees, Waangari put up a brave fight against a male dominated government and started the Greenbelt Movement. Other illustrations of great women include Margaret Thatcher (the UK) and Condoleezza Rice (the US), among many others. There are a lot of various examples of outstanding women that have significantly contributed to the global development, which proves once again that women are as gifted and intelligent as men are.

Therefore, women rights ought to be uplifted all over the world. Women are human beings, and violating women rights is equally violating human rights. Upholding women rights will go a long way to ensure that the society in general benefits. Education is one of the ways of ensuring that women rights are not violated as it enables them to gain the necessary status in the society. Women of the past and present have proved that they are worth being treated equally.


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