Free «Institutionalization» Essay Sample

'Institutionalize' is the process of conversion of a group of people or systems into an institution or to turn it into an organization. This has been found to occur mostly in organizations where there is a large number of people who are involved. Therefore, people working under such systems are required to submit to the demands that are fostered by rules and regulations of the system.

There are various advantages of any institutionalized system. First, to institutionalize any system would render the system easy to control in terms of resources both human and capital resources.

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For example, an institution that has been institutionalized has rules and regulations that guide people on how they are supposed to behave when within the premises of this particular system. On the other hand, there is a controlled management of resources since the rules and regulations that have been formed are used to regulate the way people utilize the resources of a particular system as they are required to be accountable for everything they have used (Siaroff, 2008, p.

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Conflict resolution is another advantage that arises as result of institutionalizing a particular system. This is because it is easy to identify and trace the origin of the conflict and to offer appropriate solution to the system. Similarly, loopholes that can result in further conflicts can be sealed thus avoiding future problems.

On the other hand, there are disadvantages of institutionalized systems. First, it increases institutionalized racism. This is whereby people fail to be served because of their color, race, culture, status in the society, etc. Similarly, there is an decrease in efficiency, especially when the top management fails to play their role which results in laxity among the junior employees. There is also discrimination of employees of the same or different departments leading to inter or intra departmental conflicts. Such conflicts waste a lot of time in solving them leading inefficiency in the overall output of the system (United Nations.

Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific).


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