Free «Islam» Essay Sample

Islam is one of four greatest religions in the world. It has its own tradition and understanding of life and afterlife. Unfortunately, there are some aspects which are misunderstood by the other people.

The Arabic word jihad means “struggle”. It plays a very important role in the Muslim culture. This is the personal, interpersonal, and communal aspiration of the Muslim people to purify their faith. There are two types of jihad: the inner and the outer. Unfortunately, the current situation of the jihad acceptation let to hope for the best. First of all, the reason is the misunderstanding of the real meaning. It is a pity, but jihad is the most abused aspect in Islam.

Moreover, some of the Muslim politicians observe this concept as the possibility to satisfy their own political ambitions. That is why they misuse and even exploit it. In addition to that, the most people, who are not representatives of the Muslim culture and religion, do not understand jihad at all.

There is a wrong opinion about the meaning of this word. Unfortunately, the most spread handling is that jihad is the “holy war”. The irony is that there is no term “holy war” in Islam. People think that the only thing for us is the defending from the outside attacks. They are sure that it is jihad. There is a part of truth in this statement. Jihad really is the defending, but the defending of religion. What is the most important is the fact that it is defending, but not attacking.



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Moreover, there is no interpretation of this term “holy war” in Quran. The Muslim people do not perceive terrorism as a holy thing. Indeed, they realize that it is total nonsense. Unfortunately, this is another wrong opinion about the Muslim people. Among Muslims, there are also ignorant people, as in any other culture. So they are those, who think that war is holy. The other people who read the Quran know it surely that there is no word about “holy war” in this book. The truly religious people would never go to the “holy war”. Besides, if all religions decide to fight the “holy war”, no one would leave on the Earth because everyone would be killed.

The so called religious wars and fighting against God do not have any sense. The question of faith is the human’s choice because God does not force anyone to believe in Him. However, He proves His existence. If God allows people to make their own decision about their religious views, so people do not have any right to influent violently each other and to force to accept their views. Quran, as well as Bible, never encourages anyone to fight on God’s name.

People think that Quran teaches violence. In three translations of the book, there is no word about it. So this information has no evidences. The worst is that its source is also unknown. The opinion based on the incorrect translated quotes which are cut out of the general context could lead to the misunderstanding of the whole sense. Moreover, such superficial knowledge does not mean the understanding of religion and its principles.

The mostly used word in Quran is “slay”. There is a common mistake of the translator by interpreting of this word. They say that it means “kill”. In the Arabic language, this is “vital”. After reading of Bible, Quran, Ramayana, and Bhagavad-Gita, I can surely claim that there is no word about violence in any of them. In addition, I would like to say that Islamic religion, but not the Quran, has a tendency to encourage dreadful violence in the name of Allah.


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