Free «War Dances» Essay Sample


Art of exposing the social wickedness explicitly and wittily is not easy to master. But, Sherman Alexie has master it vigorously and showed his command on it in his book “war dances”. Every little prose in the book has very ordinary title but contains a soul touching message which of humanity. Moreover, the flow of story keeps the interest of reader till the end and the wittiness make it more interesting. However, Alexie’s style of writing not only has interestingness but also has interrogative approach to question the society about the impiety. He is popular because of his concise, clear and simple writing style. It would be not wrong to state here that he is the only one of his type. He has written many small stories in his book war dances but the most interesting and aspiring is “my kafka baggage” which has element of interest, interrogate and possess a strong message in it.

My kafka baggage:

The small story is full of wit. It starts from the trip of Los Angeles of the writer. The writer describes: when I reached to my home after my trip of Los Angeles I started unpacking my baggage. During the unpacking of my baggage I found a cockroach in my dirty sock. I found the cockroach dead and start thinking about influx of this tiny cockroach into my baggage. However, afterward I start feel empathy for this cockroach. And then I start thinking about his death, moreover, start feeling the pain that how it would be happen. I rounded my thought all the way through and think about the cause of death. He said to himself, would it be a fear of loneliness/isolation or it would be danger of death which put cockroach into the actual death. In the conclusion the whole story reflects the society its behavior and the pity of poor, supremacy of superiors over poor. This is a magnificent and artistic work done by Alexie with full of wit and critic element.



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The witty approach:

Alexie has kept his witty writing approach through out the story. It has helped him to keep the interest of reader up till the end of story. His critical analysis of the society in reference of cockroach and his death has created a sense of realization in the reader. His witty approach also contains the element of humanity, socialism, custom and the traditions. His empathetic feeling and analysis about the death of cockroach has deep relation with the current social scenario of the global society. He has beautifully fulfilled his responsibility towards highlighting the immorality in the society.

The element of empathy:

The empathy element have quite largely influence on the prose “my kafka baggage”. Realizing the pain and fear of cockroach by the writer has put the readers into the condition to think about the fear and deadly danger of isolated ones. The references of isolation have not only exaggerated the pain of cockroach but it also identified the isolated society which is no more society actually. The modern activities of the society and the immoral behavior by people have made the society an isolated place. We have locked up ourselves into the self generated cave. We have put ourselves into the selfish state of mind we don’t care about anyone.

At the end of treatise, it is very clear that an extraordinary writing work do not need excessive vocabulary, philosophical sentences and a unique literary language. It can be simple, clear and concise but have a logical and have relation with the surroundings and society. At the same time, the critical issues can be addressed in witty language, as Sherman Alexie has beautifully addressed the critical issues in a soft and witty language.


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