Free «New Medicaid Proposals» Essay Sample

In the recent past, health issues have been a major concern for economists in New York as a lot of the state resources are being channeled there thus depriving other sectors of economy of the resources they are due. This has led to the recent proposals to redesign the Medicaid programs in a bid to chop billions from the bloated sector and save the state of around $ 2.3 billion annually(Alliance for Health Reform).

Among the objectives of the proposal is to curb issues of fraud which has been costing the state a huge deal of money. The State comptroller, for example, uncovered $92 million in Medicaid overpayments and billing errors last year(The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation). The coordination of audits and the purchase of new technologies to ensure the program's integrity will cost the State around $12000000 reducing the costs by $319000000 annually.

Another major concern is the issue of government barriers to quality improvement. A solution to this would be to develop a computerized Medicaid eligibility system which would involve obtaining upgraded technology. This will cost the State close to $27000000 which will be of help in improving customer experience. This will bring in new resources including federal funding that will ultimately reach $75000000 annually. It will also reduce the costs by $200000000 which could be directed to other sectors of the economy and lower the health spending per capita which lies currently at $6535 per capita.



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Generally, this proposals aim at reducing the overall costs by 2%(NY Daily News, 2011). They seek to upgrade on the quality, efficiency, savings and the overall impact of the Medicaid program in New York. The State should therefore seek to take up the up to task proposals for purposes of a brighter future.


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