Free «Smells like Work» Essay Sample

It was one of those days when I decided to visit a corporate cafeteria and as usual, I cherished the thought of visiting a cafeteria. One of the striking things that always come to mind is the pleasant smell of delicious food which overflows in the cafeteria. The spices and all additives reigning supreme in the air all but make me crave to have everything in the cafeteria. The rattling of plates and the conversations going at the place always make me cherish that moment where every body is gathered with one purpose alone: filling their stomachs. As the waiters run here and there and the customers' ordering what they crave for makes the experience worthwhile.

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Just like one author put it a cafeteria is one of those places where you go to unwind and get a feeling of belonging to people with a common interest. While at the cafeteria the first thing that I came across was the two cashiers who had grim faces and I thought that the exhaustion of the day was likely catching up to them. As I entered to place an order I could not help but notice the embellishment that was characteristic of the menu and the tables alike. I told myself that the cafeteria had done a good job in decorating the place which was one of the ways of attracting customers.

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As I sat down reading the finely decorated and colorful menu the staggering price of most of the food contents could not escape my attention. I attributed this to the increase in food prices or rather the management was trying to make unreasonable amounts of profit as I thought. However, this was not going to deter me from enjoying my favorite type of food. The cheerful waiter came to me and asked me to place an order. Since I had not fully made up my mind on what I needed I tried to go through the menu hurriedly and by the time I was making up my mind, the waiter let her frustrations known through the look she gave me.I waited for a significant amount of time before my order could come but the on goings at the cafeteria more than kept me occupied. I had gazed at a particular couple whom I presumed were on a date. They could not stop talking and laughing and as it came into mind their relationship was still young. In contrast, I saw an elderly couple sipping some coffee and I could overhear them talking about the good old days which had passed them by as wind passes never to return.The pacing of waiters and customers alike was getting to me and the noise that at first seemed harmless was now becoming a real annoyance. I kept on turning my head to see of the waiter was processing my order. As I looked to the counter I saw a young fellow maybe in his mid twenties order a cup of coffee and what I saw next can only be left to your imagination. The young fellow was with one of his comrades and they seemed to be in a hurry. Since he had ordered a coffee and didn't want to waste it, he walloped it down his throat and what happened after can only be left to wild imagination since the coffee was larva hot.

As the waiter brought me my order my stomach was already crumbling and I did not waste time in sorting myself out with the delicious meal that was before me. The waiter also placed my bill in the table and made sure I saw I had seen it. I reciprocated the gesture with my head and continued salvaging what was in my plate. After giving my stomach a deserved treat I headed to the counter where I was to pay for the 'exceptional service" that the cafeteria had offered me. I had queued for a few minutes then paid and as I went out of the cafeteria I was met by a boy who asked for me to give him my spare change. Since I was in a good mood after that superb meal I gave him some dimes that I had received as change. The cafeteria really smelled like work as I thought to myself on leaving.


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