Free «Philosophy Assignment» Essay Sample

The world is a social science that is concerned with the proper use and allotments of food that help us achieve and maintain growth and stability. The world which is also a social institution deals with the production, supply and consumption of food in all young and old people. Without having enough food, this means that the world cannot survive. This is because the world is made up of the people who only depend in food.

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If there will be no rescue over the insufficient food, it also means that there will be no children, who provides security for old people within a given society. Therefore, following the A condition of the ARG, it is true that food is very important to every living creature. All human being, fish, and other animals depend on food for their survival. On the R condition, it is true that the conclusion goes in hand with the insufficient food. Without food, the population will reduce hence there will be no children to provide security and finance to the old people within a society. The G condition therefore concludes that decrease in population is as a result that the world is running out of enough food.

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Some people argue that women are the same as women, since they get sick the same as men. But this is not true since women have many problems than men. Therefore, the argument in part 2 is a Consistency analogy. There is no any similarity applied. The main subject of the argument is that women will never be the same as the men. The conclusion of the argument is that women posses some features in their body different from men.Therefore, whether they try to say that me will be the same as women, it will be never possible. The scientist should not assume that the problems women have are as serious as the men. Every person should be treated individually. Therefore, the fallacy committed in the argument, is that the medical marketers tried to research on a medicine that will be used to treat both the illness from men and women, which cannot work at all.


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