Free «Innovation Ecology» Essay Sample


Innovation ecosystems consist of various expertises that collaborate to research and develop new technologies to sustain their economies (Estrin, 2009). Prosperous economic growth is a product of ongoing innovative processes. Innovativeness is important in enhancing national growth.

The innovation model

Estrin used a model to illustrate how various aspects of the interactions of facilities and of creative ideas produce unique innovations. The foundation of this model is built on research, the development of research ideas and application of the findings. This foundation is incorporated with other factors to form a structure. These factors are good leadership, adequate funding, appropriate policy making, cultural factors and appropriate education. The above factors are the environmental factors affecting innovation. The model also highlights core values that enhance innovation. 

There is internal and external affecting the innovative ecosystem. These factors are funding of innovations, leadership, the culture of the organisation, policies governing innovations and the education systems (Estrin, 2009). Leadership is a major factor affecting organisations` innovations. Leadership is an internal factor and influences other aspects of innovation.  Excellent leadership styles cultivate innovations that are effective and efficient. Leadership will form the basis of core innovation values. Leadership facilities open mindedness, cultivates risk taking culture, makes people to have trust and have patience.  With appropriate leadership, an organisation attains right funding, appropriate policies and adequate education.  Leadership is a tool that eliminates obstacles to innovation.  Organisation culture is another important aspect that will drive the innovations of a firm. A firm that creates a favourable culture of creativity and sustainability will make major advancements in innovation.



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Evaluate the parts of the ecosystem that may quickly respond to change through leadership influence

With a change in leadership various sections in the ecosystem have a drastic response. Leadership should have the ability to influence the innovation ability of an organization. A visionary leader should have the best policies that ensure that investors will be willing to facilitate funds to carry out research and develop new technologies (O'Toole & Bennis, 2009). Other areas in the innovation ecosystem that are greatly affected by leadership change are the organization`s culture. Organization`s members look up to their leaders to guide them in attaining the organizational goals. The leaders influence how their stuff behaves in improving innovation.

Policies governing innovations made by the government influence the degree of technological advances.. If the government is in favour of creativity then organizations will make major improvements in innovations (Estrin, 2009). A government that limits innovations will narrow down the innovations made by organizations.  Education influences the knowledge that people have to research and develop new technology. Organizations should have knowledgeable personnel who could affect creativity and innovation. Funds are important to carry out innovative research to enable the development of new technologies and ideas. Funds should be available to research new technology, try its efficiency and apply it in order to develop new ideas and services. 

Core values influencing innovation

Estrin uses the core innovation values to explain the appropriate methods of innovation.  Estrin discusses values including risk taking, trust, openness, questioning and patience. An innovative firm has to embrace these core values to ensure success.

Curiosity is a major factor that drives innovation. Curiosity leads to questioning on various issues in an organization hence innovative advances.  Under questioning the firms leaders have to be keen on how the question is framed. Broad questions usually give broad long term innovations. Defensive questions produce less innovation as opposed to using inquisitive questions. Self-assessment is an important virtue to innovative persons. Innovative people put emphasis on self assessment as opposed to assessing other things. Self-assessment helps to avoid bias and adapt to changes in environment.

People are supposed to be open-minded in order to implement innovations into organizations. Organization members require the environment that is conducive to think broadly and be creative. Openness also means that the organization is open to other people’s ideas. The organization gathers various ideas, evaluates the best and develops it (O'Toole & Bennis, 2009).  It is important for the organization to be available to to collaborate ideas to improve its innovation. Moreover, innovator needs to have ample time to clear ambiguities arsing rather than rushing into ideas that pop up.  It is vital for innovators to have patience to deal with technical obstacles within and without the organization as well as the confidence to launch new ideas.

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Risk is a vulnerability that faces a firm and affects its innovative ability. In an organization where failure is viewed as a stepping stone to success the innovative levels are high as they risk trying many opportunities. Risk takers are the people that are bold enough to make new discoveries even where they risk failing.  

Trust makes people accept vulnerabilities. Trust ensures that persons are open with their ideas and they can accept failures. People need to be assured that their ideas will be protected and fairly evaluated by those involved in the innovation process. Organization members are willing to try out new innovations as they trust to get support from their organization. An organization that instils trust in its members is likely to make major innovation advancements. 


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