Free «My Nursing Ethic» Essay Sample

PASSION: Why am I here?

I had a dream of improving human nature. I saw children and poor people suffer in hospital’s beds as a result of diseases and death. I began to develop a positive passion towards those vulnerable persons. Hence, I decided to make the dream come true by advancing my knowledge in the nursing profession. I also realized that for passion to exist for all persons, I’m supposed to view people the same way God does. To have passion means to be devoted to excellence. Generally, in the nursing field, we need passion, the passion for people, and the passion for God. My inspiration originates from the love and kindness expressed by other nurses (PCBE, n.d).  

MOTIVATION: What moves me to act?

I have a desire to help people and contribute towards the welfare of the society through healing and comforting those suffering due to ailments. Familiarity with ethics in the nursing profession also assisted me to understand the demands of the nursing sector, such as the Hippocratic Oath. Other demands include keeping patients’ secrets, safeguarding their lives among others. Finally, nursing is a dynamic and a challenging occupation, and this moves me to pursue the profession. It motivates me since it keeps on strengthening my faith. In all respects, the above facts are key motivating factors to me (PCBE, n.d)



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 INSPIRATION: What keeps me in motion?

I saw many patients suffer when I was still young. I witnessed nurses running up and down trying to assist them. They were so great and caring, and at times I even sheded tears observing how nurses cared about the patients. I was touched with what was happening. Henceforth, I developed the desire to help someone’s life in the way those nurses did (PCBE, n.d).

LOYALTY: Whom do I serve?

The fact is that my employer has given me duties to perform what I am loyal to, my practice and actions are under the surveillance of God. I must also respect the life of patients, the information about their sickness, to offer my service for the benefits of the sick, and in summary, I will not go against my oath and covenant. Because of this fact, I keep my integrity to serve and take care of my patients in the best way (PCBE, n.d).

In conclusion, respect and integrity are my key values in maintaining my ethical standards with the nursing profession.


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