Free «Army Leadership» Essay Sample


Leadership of any given organization is of great importance as it provides guidelines as well as direction on what the organization needs to do to achieve its goals and objectives. Leadership is one of the most crucial aspects of managing any given institution. For the armed forces to effectively carry out responsibilities, there must be a leader to provide guidance and morale to the military officers who defend their motherland. One of the most important leadership figures in the armed forces is a non-commissioned officer. He or she is typically an officer in the armed forces who has managed to obtain their position through merit rather than being given through the commission. The officer is an experienced person, therefore a very crucial asset to the army.

Functions of Non-Commissioned Officer

The non-commissioned officer performs a foremost role in managing risks given the fact that he or she has the right exposure of serving in the military. The NCO advises and assists in designing and implementing safety policies, including risk management in case any occurs. The risks may arise from both external and internal forces. The unexpected occurrence that arises from inside forces includes accidents, fire, theft and others. The unexpected occurrence that may occur as a consequence of outside forces includes robbery, third party injury, ground actions, and harmony keeping assignment.



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First and foremost, the non-commissioned officer employs the strategy of retaining those risks that are manageable and cannot be insured against. Second strategy will be risk reduction; the non-commissioned officer will employ diverse risk reduction measures to mitigate the impact of various military activities.

Alternatively, the non-commissioned officer plays a central role in educating military officers considering the fact that he is a veteran of the defense forces. He teaches junior officers a variety of military tactics; connectively, in order to carry out his duty successfully, he should be aware of different training approaches indoctrinating low-ranking officers in the armed forces. Consequently, the non-commissioned officer is an invaluable part of the armed forces when it comes to training as well as development of military officers. He or she tends to provides essential information on instruction approaches that should be used, and in many instances, they are involved in developing instruction programs for the armed forces.

Leadership Traits

There a number of traits the non-commissioned officers should have in order to provide the right leadership in the military. These traits should be reflected as he performs his various duties and tasks in the military. Initially, he should be just. Justice can be defined as that practice of one being fair as well as consistent. A person who is just tends to give adequate consideration to all parties and usually introduces the reward as well as punishment systems on merits rather than on nepotism. The non-commissioned officer must be impartial, honest with himself on the reasons behind making a given decision, and he should strive to avoid favoritism in the work place per se.

An excellent non-commissioned officer should be well placed to make outstanding judgment. Judgment can be defined as the capacity of a person to think about certain issues calmly, clearly as well as in a way that is systematic so as to make accurate decisions. The role of a non-commissioned officer necessitates him to make a number of manifestations for that reason calling him to be someone who has the capability to make informed judgments. The only way an important military bureaucrat can do to advance his decision making abilities is by avoiding making judgment on the spur of the moment.

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Alternatively, the non-commissioned officer as a part of the armed forces should be an individual who can be trusted.. This is one of the most crucial elements that the non-commissioned officer should have to provide an unbiased guidance to his junior ranking officers. This attribute will assist in increasing the confidence of the latter and his leadership capabilities. The NCO enhances the achievement of the armed forces goals as well as objectives both in the long as well as in the short run. An additional attribute that the non-commissioned administrator should possess is the capability to be initiative. Initiative is defined as an ability of an individual to take a course of an action when you have not been told what you should do. This assist the officer in question to meet new problems as well as unforeseen situations on time with no need for waiting for seniors to give him orders. This attribute facilitates the potential of the officer in dealing with work related challenges that arise due to unexpected situations occurring.

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The non-commission officer may be defined as the backbone of the operations of the military forces. He provides leadership in all areas of the armed forces given that he has the experience needed to run the affairs of the military. He is a vital tool in decision making, training and development providing guidance on policy formulations in the military. 


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