Free «Teaching Students with Learning Disabilities» Essay Sample

All students have a right of access to education; they have a right to access knowledge in a manner and form that is relevant to their needs and circumstances. On the other hand, teachers have a role to play in delivering knowledge to all students as per their needs. Educating a nation, composed of able students and students with special needs is a difficult task requiring professional investment into understanding and adopting strategies that best meet the student’s needs. In this line, students with learning disabilities (SLDs) require special attention through innovative intervention in order to facilitate their learning process.

Discuss the value of the proposed research to the field of education.

Given the diverse areas in which SLDs could be deficient and the reality that a learning disability manifests itself differently in different students, the findings of this research paper would be invaluable to the entire teaching fraternity. It must be understood that effective classroom practices can only be achieved on the occasion that a teacher is able to understand both the content and the learner. This paper underscores the need for teacher intervention in teaching students with learning disability. Thereby, the knowledge is acquired through instructions, while the effectiveness of the instructions is assessed through results. Thus, the teacher’s preparation of instruction and assessment of SLDs should incorporate the insights of SLDs’ specific needs.  This study builds upon a reservoir of knowledge from which teachers can draw such insights.



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In addition to the effective delivery of instructions, the findings of this study will extend into offering knowledge on how a comprehensive curriculum that meets the needs of all students can be developed. The education system still lacks an all-inclusive curriculum that meets the needs of all students and is at par for all. Thus, the multi-method approaches that this paper proposes, as well as the guidance on teacher’s innovation in a classroom, will still be applicable to other students (Hallahan 2001). This means that they can be incorporated into developing an entire curriculum without distinction among groups. Lastly, the findings of this research will raise new questions; some of these questions will pertain to the effectiveness of the interventions proposed or their applicability, the limits of teacher innovation, and the rationale for having a curriculum that caters for the needs of all, among others. Thus, the paper will propose further research involving long-period observation of the impact and effectiveness of the intervention employed.

1.4 Interview of Education Professionals

This paper proposes to interview the school administrators, educators, and parents of children with learning disability. The rationale behind interviewing this population is to assess the number of SLDs in the school, the existence of teacher intervention, and the documented effects of performance. On the other hand, the administrators and educators whom work with these students may offer a wide spectrum of administrative responses about intervention. They will also offer a chance for comparing different schools performance after the intervention within a particular area of coverage. The analysis of different schools’ interventions and the overall comparison between schools, as well as the district level approach, will guide the research into some critical findings, especially in the area of a common curriculum

Findings of three (3) qualitative studies

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association & RMC Research Corporation (2006). New roles in response to intervention: Creating success for schools and children. Portsmouth, NH: RMC Research Corporation, Center on Instruction.

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This study focuses on general teacher responses to different intervention approaches. It builds a good case for the need to have a teacher who actively accepts the responsibility of meeting the needs of each child. Its guidance on the need to build a healthy public policy that incorporates such intervention is of value to this paper. It focuses on different challenge areas that SLDs face and the opportunities/challenges that they present to the teacher. They take their argument to the need for a common ground through a curriculum.

Davis, Pauline, Florian, Lani, & Ainscow, Mel. (n.d.). Teaching strategies and approaches for pupils with special educational needs: a scoping study. DfES.

The source is highly ingenious in the areas of understanding specific difficulties occasioned by learning disability. It also covers areas of learning and cognition, which is a critical part in understanding educational needs. The sources also contribute to the understanding of the social issues of SLDs. It mainly focuses on the need for teaching strategies, importance of expert knowledge, and the theoretical foundations. It is especially significant in comparison to others because it offers a new understanding of students with special needs.

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Hallahan, D. P., Mercer, C. D., & Educational Resources Information Center (U.S.). (2001). Learning disabilities: Historical perspectives: executive summary. Washington, DC: U.S. Dept. of Education, Office of Educational Research and Improvement, Educational Resources Information Center.

This article offers an in-depth understanding of how the learning disability concept has evolved to present day in light of different fields involved. The source is highly rich with information since it captures the perspectives of biologists, psychologists, and educators. It lays a foundation for the need of intervention by providing systematic scientific evidence regarding learning disability. It is so invaluable in anchoring this study’s argument since it provides a good review of the journey towards a better understanding of SLDs.

Challenges encountered from sample population.

Some respondents may not be willing to give out information for private reasons. The survey population may not be available at their work station at the time of data collection.

Ways to encounter the challenges.

These challenges will be encountered with assuring the respondents of the confidentiality of the information they are going to give. The respondents will be made to understand that the research is purposely for academic reasons, and it may benefit the stakeholders of education as well as the teachers and the students. A pilot study will be carried out to guide the researcher on the researcher on the appropriate time to collect data from the survey population.

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Reasons for using qualitative interviews.

Interviews allow more detailed questions to be asked by the interviewer. This may add extra information to the data collected. They also allow ambiguities to be clarified since the interviewee is available to give precise information (Kothari 2009). Interviews also, give detailed information about personal feelings, perceptions and opinions. The interviewer is able to get such information by closely observing the behavior of the interviewee when responding to questions. On the other hand, they add human dimension to the impersonal data.

Advantages of qualitative interviews

Interviews usually achieve high response rate from the interviewee. The respondents words are recorded and can be easily retraced if need be.

Limitation of qualitative interviews

The limitation of the interview is that it is time consuming, since there is setting up, interviewing, analyzing feedback and finally reporting. The interview is also very costly in that the interviewer may be required to travel.

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Ethical considerations

The researcher will consider ethical consideration by not subjecting clients to emotional harm. Questions will be formulated carefully and the researcher will be sensitive to the emotions of the interviewee.

Rationale of using qualitative interview as opposed to experimental interview

Sample of experimental research may not be representative of a population because the researcher does not have an opportunity to ensure a representative sample. According to Kothari 2009) experimental research may yield artificial results because the variables can be manipulated for the researchers to examine what they want. Qualitative interview is not under any pressure like experimental research which may be under political influence.

Develop at least ten (10) research questions.

  1. What constitutes effective classroom practice?
  2. What critical aspects should a teacher teaching SLDs know?
  3. How does appropriate teacher planning and assessment of SLDs affect their performance and learning outcomes?
  4. How do SLDs respond to specialized attention and interventions in performance?
  5. How are the parents of these children involved in their academic performance
  6. How do you motivate SLD learners in class?
  7. Do you find it challenging teaching these children as compared to teaching normal children?
  8. What are the special facilities that you use as a teacher to enhance teaching in the classrooms?
  9. Given a chance can you change your career?
  10. How would you feel if you are a parent with a child having such challenges you experience on daily basis?     

Reasons for the interview questions

Interview questions guide the interview on the procedure to follow during the interview (Kothari 2009). They also enable the interviewer to sensitize the words they are using during the interview. Lastly they facilitate the interviewer to achieve the objectives of the study.

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Data collection and analysis

The survey population will be interviewed by the interviewer and information given will be recorded for reference purpose. Data will be summarized in tables, pie charts and frequencies in relation to the information given. For interpretive reasons the researcher will analyze data using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS).


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