Free «Accommodation at the Bedfordshire University» Essay Sample

Accommodation for students at the Bedfordshire University in the United Kingdom is either school owned or run by the private sector. Most of the students who get the opportunity to rent and use school-based facilities are the first years. They are given the first priority over continuing students. This limits the range for options but embrace the choice for private accommodation, which is run by property owners or in conjunction with agents. Dawson (2009, p. 120) asserts that in the private accommodation program students live under the rules and regulations stipulated in the signed agreement. However, some agents stipulate exploitative terms that see some students at risk of eviction before the agreed period. This affects the learning of some non-residential students as they are forced to find a resettlement. On the other hand, students living under the school managed program enjoy interactions from their peers, which is a sound environment for learning. The rules within the halls managed by the school administration are well defined. Consequently, they are not prone to ambiguous amendments. This gives beneficiaries a chance to have a harmonious academic program.



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However, there is a need for school administration to come up with a method of controlling management of privately owned residential apartments to protect the plight of their students who rent such premises. This would minimize this possibility through uptake of the role of agents. This implies that instead of house agents, the university administration should act as a direct mediator between the students and landlords.

Problem of Study

The rules and regulations of accommodation in privately owned houses rented by students of the University of Bedfordshire in the United Kingdom are prone to amendments, courtesy of landlords and representative agents. This puts students benefiting from this housing program at risk of exploitative rules, unlike the students living in halls run by the school administration. For equal opportunity of housing, there should be a mode of harmonizing these programs since all students are party to the school administration.


The key objective of this study is to investigate the management system in privately owned apartments rented by students of the Bedfordshire University. The other objective is to study the roles of agents in running privately owned houses in accommodation of students from the Bedfordshire University.

Literature Review

The management of privately owned houses at the Bedfordshire University in the United Kingdom has been solely the role of landlord in coalition with agents. The rules and regulations for accommodation are set and amended by these two parties. This proves irrational to most of the students utilizing this form of housing. A research proposal that could seek a shift to the role of agents in management of this housing to be the mandate of the school administration putting in mind that the students living in these houses are also party to the school administration. According to General Books LLC (2010, p. 18), this could lead to a harmonious housing program like the one run in the university halls. Consequently, it would attract more students seeking for private housing units due to security in terms and conditions of living. This would also end the housing stalemate at the institution.

Methods of Research

In pursuing the goal of a harmonious management system in privately owned houses at the Bedfordshire University, the method will firstly involve seeking responses from students living in privately owned houses for recommendation on whether the school administration should take over the role of agents. Secondly, the research will involve finding the number of students who have come in direct collision with any of the stringent rules and regulations set by house management systems. This would give practical examples as the affected sample.     These practical samples will be classified as injustices per year of the event. There would then be an evaluation of the events and related incidents for the past three years. This will give data for comparison to define the trend and gauge if it is on the rise or a fall. This will then assist in making viable conclusions if the rate is on the rise.


time Event
Week 1-2 Compiling the research proposal
Week 3-8 Field study/research/filling in questioners
Week 9-11 Report of the findings/recommendations

Anticipated Results

Hotcourses (2008, p. 177) assert that if the trend of students falling victims of tenure evictions due to rigorous amendments on rules and regulations in private owned houses managed by agents at the Bedfordshire university is on the rise in the past three years, the school administration should be given the chance to run the housing system as an agent.

Consequently, if most of the students living in these apartments concur with the uptake of the role of agents by the school administration, then there are no diversified options but to act in the positive. However, if the converse is true, then the latter holds, too.

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This project seeks a random sampling technique, but strictly to students living in the houses run and owned by either agents or landlords.

Data analysis

For a fair and judgmentally sound research, whose findings are vital for this situation, a computerized program will be utilized in the decision making process. This will involve designing of a system survey software and analysis program.


This research is viable in seeking a better management of students’ affairs within and without the environment of Bedfordshire University in the United Kingdom. This will help a harmonious system of both the students living in university halls and houses owned by the private landlords. This is advantageous as it would increase security of the rules and regulations governing (Surhone et al., 2011). Consequently, it would increase uptake of private houses by students, ending the pressure on the house resources. This will also help the university to meet its accommodation needs for both local and international students. This research is therefore essential as it would end amendment of rules and regulations at will, which is a common practice. In either way, the research will bring awareness to students over their rights as beneficiaries of private accommodation. It is therefore a viable research seeking approval.


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