Free «Budget Cuts in Education System» Essay Sample


Considering the current economic situations cutting across all parts of the world and the increasing developments, they have stretched the limited financial resources beyond range and this has definitely called for appropriate measures to cut expenditures. Irrespective of the existing opposition from educational stakeholders, whom some might find cutting educational budgets insignificance; there are benefits of reducing the education expenditures. With those questioning the authenticity of reducing education budgets and those claiming education means a lot to the future of any nation, the debate has always remained active for a long period (Gur-Ze’ev 429). Everybody understands that there is the urgency to reduce spending not only at the national levels, but also at individual levels. Budget cuts in education systems should not be an excuse to reduced education qualities or end to education provision.

Cutting education system budgets gives opportunity for the majority to have better social environments that will nature them to succeed to higher education

Reducing expenses in the educational systems means that the money is being allocated to other sectors of the economy. This can sound a bit confusing but it is not. Considering that children first grow in their communities/societies before going to school, a strong social background gives the children the opportunity to have the courage and interest in education. Therefore, many States cut budget to divert some money to community projects that support children development at their homes increasing their probabilities of attaining higher educational successes. This will be more viable for those disadvantaged in the society. In addition, it will not make any sense to equip and fund higher education systems forgetting the starting points/lower levels as without proper foundation to educations, majority can fail to attain the well-funded higher education rendering them useless. As John Fainter a co-chair of an association of public affairs and a Legislative Information Network Contacts program adviser once said that “the economic status of the state depends on higher education” (qtd. in Jones 23), it becomes difficult to for this to be achieved if young education enthusiasts are not properly natured from the grassroots to attain the higher education levels. Therefore, budget cuts in education system are realistic steps that enable a strong foundation in the entire system.



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Cutting education system budgets is a better option considering shortfalls in budgets

It has come to the attention of majority of school managements that as time progresses and economic situations continue to become worse “school budgets have seemed to defy gravity in recent years - going up steadily without ever coming down” (Associated Press, “schools expect budget cuts as economy sours”). This is a very important aspect in the education systems because considering the projected budget shortfalls, it is important to start budgeting for reduced budgets in advance to avoid last minute shocks. It is apparent that if conditions continue as projected, many States will not be able to support escalated educational budgets. For example, as Jackie Magnuson, a board member at a school in Minnesota expresses his concern that the Minnesota budget shortfalls according to latest projections, has put education officials in panic, and as much of educational budgets are sponsored by governments and local taxes, like in Minnesota and California States were government has 47 % education budget to sponsor, the existing economic difficulties has forced governments to consider cutting spending on not only education, but also other sectors (Associated Press, “schools expect budget  cuts as economy sours”). This is a clear indication that it is the right time to start budgeting for reduced budgets. This worry despite allegations that it will lower the education qualities, it is illogical to budget for unavailable funds. Therefore, cutting education system budgets is the only solution to budget shortfalls, giving the opportunity to budget for viable and realistic projects.

Reducing education budgets will bring seriousness to educations as emphases are put on proper utilization of the limited resources, avoiding extravagance

As Michael Griffith, a school finance analyst argues in Associated Press, “schools expect budget cuts as economy sours”, school expenditures are increasing at faster rates compared to inflation, calling for adequate measures. Reducing education system budgets will give the available teachers/staff enough work and opportunity to earn extra income as they there are increased chances to working overtime to cater for increased workload. Despite the fact that there will be increased number of students in any single class as Richardson, a Mexican governor argues, it gives the opportunity for teachers to get serious at their work as there are no options of taking chances on the job (Jennings, “Richardson proposes cutting education budget by $ 76 million”). Here, educational staff, lucky enough to retain their jobs, have a sense of the importance of their works and dedicate more to it. In addition, there will be proper policies on the limited budgets that do not compromise education quality with huge financial resources made available.

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With regard to the above, there is a clear indication that the economic crisis cuts across nations and should not be felt like some kind of domestic discrimination when some States enact reduced educational budget. This should also act like a motivation to educational stakeholders to understand that financial resources are limited hence proper planning is needed to give humble translations for any future reductions. Furthermore, reducing educational system budgets does not mean that funding is completely eliminated; they are measures to balance spending for a sustainable society.

Allocations of State funding does not necessarily mean the money will come

There are greater possibilities that many expectations on funding can fail to take place considering the current unpredictable and ever changing economic times. The education sector will neither be excluded from such risks and there are chances that State promises on educational budgets do not always materialize. Therefore, for security reasons, there has to be proper planning to adopt alternative plans in cases where the expected fails to happen. It is true that reducing educational funding will lead reduction of educational staff and this will in one way or another affect the students. To be in a better position to counteract these misfortunes, it is advisable for educational heads to establish survival tactics to see them through. For example, postponing, avoiding and minimizing are significant steps in managing reduced educational budgets (Van Harken, “Budget cut student experience.”). This is then a call for educational heads to consider trainings on how to manage difficult financial times and there should be no excuses on lack of performance due to reduced educational budgets. For example, in Israel, reduced educational budgets were accused in the 1980s and 1990s for developing an informal kind of education, where parents opted to hire teachers to provide additional teaching to their students. Although this was earlier viewed as a negative step taken by the parents, they ended up devising new means to ensuring that their children got education by mobilizing enough resources, irrespective of the difficult times (Gur-Ze’ev 429), it was a good indication that reduced educational budgets should not be the end of learning. Therefore, as education system budgets are reduced due to the hard economic crisis, education quality should not decline as there should be positive approach of the situation that can be managed by better understanding of the problem, which will lead to devising survival tactics to maintain higher educational qualities, as much responsibility lies with management as opposed to students whom majority might fail to realize the economic crisis.

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With regard to the above observations, budget cuts in education systems should not be an excuse to reduced education qualities or end to education provision. Despite the existing realities on reducing educational funding, like increased workload when staff numbers are reduced, and reduced education quality, on which many oppositions are based arguments on, reduced education budgets gives the opportunity for majority of disadvantaged children to afford education as money is diverted to grassroots developments that help in creating firm foundations on the educational system. In addition, cutting education system budgets is a better option considering shortfalls in budgets as it will not only lead to seriousness in the utilization of the available limited financial resources, but also establish alternative measures to survive without compromising the education quality as there are possibilities that pledged funding can fail to materialize. Therefore, innovations and positive approach of the reducing educational budgets can greatly help to manage the financial deficits, retaining the expected educational quality.


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