Free «How do modern media affect election?» Essay Sample

Media is modern day equipment for transferring information and tangible material from one place of the globe to another. This is a making of the modern time since it was not in existence some years back. Modern media takes the form of an effective, affluent, and human-friendly mode of information transfer between the sender and receiver with less interference and time wastage. This piece of writing reiterates the fact that modern media has affected, and yet to influence elections in the world.

Modern media include such devices and technological undertakings as use of the website, internet, Radio broadcasts, Youtube, Mails, and many others. The media has influenced elections both in the positive and negative ways. These approaches of communication have fastened election activities. For instance, the media has enabled many electioneers reach as many supporters or receivers of their information as possible. There is no need for one to make regular travels from one station to another in a bid to elect or report what has just taken place. News papers have enabled a swift transfer of hard-copied information to the most remote parts of the world.



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Modern elections are literally done by use of the media facilities, technology, and personnel. With the introduction of the modern media in many government’s structures, and with the issuance of policies and connotations to support and offer equitable freedom to practice and use media, the nature of elections in the world have tremendously changed. The media, either being modern or not, has been an instrumental facet in day to day living. First and foremost, most of the media facilities are friendly to human use. The use of modern media facilities like the internet, google, twitter, facebook, mails, and many others has proved to be effective, reliable, and faster. This is when compared to the traditional forms of media coverage used in the past (Karp et. al. 78). Positively, elections have taken a technological approach with the use of the modern media. Many people in the world are using media services for many reasons, the recent of which was used in Egypt, USA, and Greece.

The media has made every individual within the scribe of elections to be reached and fed with every bit of information regarding the elections. In the modern times, many people make use of phones and computers to access, assess, evaluate, and even make their valuable decisions as regards individual leaders to be elected. It can therefore be said that the modern media has played a role in bringing effectiveness and efficiency to the entire activity (Williams 28-35). The media has made it possible to handle larger populace of individuals with much succinctness and durability. For instance, managing and complementing the election in the entire USA can only be done with much swiftness, ease, and accuracy by use of the modern media technologies and skills. Moreover, the modern media has become a tool of assessing, evaluating, and modernizing every activity either humanitarian or mechanical, to take the form of the set objectives and priorities. For instance, it is very cheap for world leaders to gather and make a formalized and universal decision than it was in the past. The media has played a formidable role in such cases.

When incorporated together with elections, the media serves many people, most of which are remotely placed. One does not find it accustoming to endure the need and friendliness of the media. The transmission of information, data, and procedural approaches used in elections are made effective and vast with use of the modern media. For instance, the recent US elections took an easy and accessible approach when the modern media facilities and technology was incorporated. People all over the world were able to access every procedure, electioneering, and result announcement by simply following on the occurrences through the modern media. It relinquishes logic to state that the modern media has transformed the way in which elections are done. Electioneers spend less time to do their campaigns and win/lose voters. Moreover, the electorate is made sensible, informed, and updated by the election procedures, policies, and every legal undertaking by use of the modern media. Besides this, the modern media, trough its entertaining sentiments, have enabled the electorate and electioneers to pursue one goal, one peace in the world.

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On the other hand, the media has been a subject of much crime and irregularities in the election activities in the world. Many individuals involved in the media have managed to flaw and pent the truthfulness of the election results with malice and incorrectness. Moreover, the media has also been used to prejudice the undertakings of the election participants as leaders and the government as a whole. All in all, modern media has brought much ease, accuracy, and save on time in the imperative elections in the world (Stevens 45). The modern media has been subjected to negative significance in the society. For instance by use of the modern media, some bit of the electorate has not been well represented since not all modern media facilities are accessed by the people. The media has been significant in perpetuating modern cases of fraud, though this has not been rampant as compared to the rudimentary approaches which were used before. Hence, the modern media has been more beneficial than disadvantageous as far as modern elections are concerned (Cwalina et. al. 45-96).


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