Free «Oppression and Discrimination» Essay Sample

It is the fact in this discussion that Rosa Parks protested laws that compelled African- Americans to sit back in the bus. The concept in this scenario is that National Defense is against the spread of immigration and pro disease control. It is the fact that Castle Garden was the very first legitimate operation center that was charged with the responsibility of processing immigrants from 1855 to 1892. Generalization aspect in Rosa Parks was protecting and maintaining the borders and sports of America, which is also vital to the government of America (Worsnop, 2007).

The African-American civil rights movement (1955-1968) was undertaken to fight racial discrimination that had become rampant in America. The social movement had the main mission of outlawing discrimination thus ensuring national security for all citizens in America. The racial discrimination targeted black Americans; therefore, the movement also aimed to reinstate voting rights among the black Americans who had been oppressed for a long time. In 1966-1965 there was the emergence of Black Power Movement, which boosted the civil rights movement to include in their struggles issues such as political independence racial-dignity, freedom , and economic from oppression orchestrated by white Americans (Platt & Cathy, 2009).



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The social movement in America at this period was characterized by momentous campaigns, which included civil disobedience and nonviolent disobedience. The protests produced a major crisis, which translated to issues of national security thus there was a crisis between the government and activists. In order to avert the crisis, this threatened security of the country (Worsnop, 2007). State, locals, local governments, communities and businesses had to respond to the inequities that had adversely affected African-Americans by addressing the crisis. The protests witnessed at this time included boycotts like the Montgomery Bus Boycott (1955-1956); marches, which include Selma to Montgomery (1965) in Alabama; and “sit-ins” like the prominent Greensboro sit-ins (1960) witnessed in North Carolina. The significant legislation at this heightened period of civil rights movement was the approval of Civil Rights Act of 1964 that outlawed any form of discrimination based on color, race, national origin and religion. The period also outlawed discrimination in workplace and in public accommodations. There was also passage of legislation on Voting Rights Act of 1965 that restored and promoted voting rights. Generally, the period restored democracy and freedom to all people of America regardless of religion, ethnic background, color or, race (Platt & Cathy, 2009).


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