Free «Malcon Manufacturing Company Operational Strategies» Essay Sample

Malcon manufacturing company offers high quality and customer-friendly beverages, ranging from soft drinks to wines and spirits. The company is based on the vision of establishing and offering modern and customer-friendly products and services to all of its customers and at all times. The company has been established under a host of goals and objectives. The company aims at being one of the dominant figures in the global market. Malcon Company manifests its determination to increase the level of pleasure and happiness among its product users in the world of beverages and other drinks. The company is to hire at least 20 workers.

Operations strategy to conduct production operations

In a bid to kick-start production within the company, its directors resolved over a number of strategies which are to drive and relay the future state of Malcon Company. Every operation strategy is aimed at exemplifying how every segment of the company is organized and structured in order to deliver the business units and corporate responses to processes, resources, and people.  Malcon Company strategizes for optimizing the market and reach out to customers. The company aims at establishing and expanding enhanced commercial infrastructure and capabilities. The company is to be situated in one of the mega cities in the country in order to embrace the high demand for its products due to a high number of customers. As of September 2012, the company has set to expand nationally by the end of the year. The process will be eased by the introduction of several affiliate companies, which will help promote the products and services of Malcon Company. The affiliate companies will be established across the nation in order to help facilitate the central company. Through partner arrangements, the company is to reach over thirty other related companies in the market in order to sell its name and brand. In order to optimize returns from the present opportunities, the company strategizes for establishing customer-friendly products and services. They will be affordable to many customers in the market. Besides this, the company is to launch a number of other strategies:

  • Ensure an effective and efficient interaction among the functions and partners of the company
  • Embrace scalability within the organizational and managerial capacities in order to ensure growth and flexibility of the company’s arms of production
  • Focus on all opportunities accessible to Malcon and establish cases of accountability for the customers
  • At whatever level of production, maximize on production and lower on expenses amid quality products and services

How the operation strategy impacts product design and process selection



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Operation strategies are a sure way of rendering the products and services of Malcon Company competitive in the global and national market. A long-range plan on operational strategies will enable the company to acquire and retain a competitive level of production in the market. The company’s long-term goals offer a reputable and stable positioning in the market. It is a way of getting to understand the market and how it operates in various seasons. With the use of operational strategies, Malcon Company will be able to differentiate itself from other companies offering the same products and services in the market.

Improved product designs and process selections among customers

Operational strategies are critical in establishing the nature and type of product designs based on the customer preferences. Product designs require the facts and opinions laid down before Malcon designs and sticks to particular types of designs in the market. Beverages normally come in many designs. However, operational strategies will enable the company to establish new and quality product designs, which will take the market by storm. When the right designs are reached by the company, customers will be put at ease while selecting the company’s products and services in the market. In doing this, the company will have established a formidable demand and dominion in the market for the benefit of its bottom line and customers.

Key components of supply chain management


Malcon Manufacturing Company is set to start by hiring at least twenty employees. This necessitates an equitable business structure which will cater for the individual employee’s needs, together with the general goals and objectives of the company. Malcon is perceived to grow in size together with the increased intake of staff. The company is headed by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), who supervises and serves as the general manager of the company. The capacity provides a powerful influence on the production and future success of the company. The company is set to exemplify one CEO. Besides the CEO, there are other departments and disciplines which work towards the general success of the company. For instance, there are departments covering finance, operations, marketing, and human resources (D'Angelo, 2009).

Under the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), there are four ranks of directors and managers, who include director of finance, director of human resource, director of marketing, and the director of business operations. Moreover, there are other departments under the director of marketing. These departments exemplify those of the marketing manager to the northern parts of the marketing region, marketing manager to the midlands, and the marketing manager to the south of the marketing region. Under these departments are those of the agents and sales individuals. All departments are filled up with competent and well-informed personalities who are poised to exemplify the company’s vision, goals, and objectives.

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Malcon Company has embraced a number of procurement practices, which are directed at finding, engaging, and evaluating varied supplies of goods and services needed in the production of beverages by the company. Equitable strategic sourcing has enabled the company to evaluate all of its purchasing services. Through the hiring of skilled sourcing personnel, the company has managed to employ and successfully make use of corporate sourcing.

Malcon Company has embraced corporate sourcing since it is one of the ways in which it is able to access most of its materials, products, and human resources. The company coordinates procurement procures, which deal with supply and distribution of the materials, equipment, parts, and other supplies for the company. This is why Malcon has done incredibly well when it comes to acquiring products and services for its operations. Though this kind of sourcing, Malcon is aiming to carry out a multiplicity of activities as follows:

  • Evaluating and soliciting proposals for every commodity under request;
  • Coordinating all activities as relates to procurement, delivery, and sales;
  • Making specifications for the company’s needed commodities as preferred suppliers, date of supply, and modes of transportation.


Malcon’s procedures include purchase of goods and services with an aim of accomplishing the set goals and aims of the company. Standards have been set in the company in order to oversee the entire procedure of purchasing. The most common and productive elements of purchasing which have been embraced by the company include acquisition processes, selection of rightful and productive bidders, bidding processes, technical evaluation of the goods, purchase negotiation, post-award administration, and order close out phase. All these processes are employed by Malcon Company in order to have equitable, effective, and efficient purchasing (Eigenhuis and Van Dijk, 2007).  

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Within the company, there are purchasing directors who work together with the procurement officers while offering guidelines to Malcon as regards acquisition standards and procedures. Malcon uses a system called a three-way check while making most of its acquisitions. With this method, there are three specific departments, which work separately while making acquisitions. However, they do not report to the same general manager in order to avoid the cases of unethical activities. Two of the three departments are the accounts payable and the purchasing department. The third party is the receiving department, which is not required at Malcon Company.

Managing the supply chain

Malcon Company makes use of an equitable supply chain management in order to have an efficient distribution and supply of recourses within its inner departments. The company embraces a chain management system which runs all activities of the company. These activities include acquisition, movement, and storage of raw materials, functionality processes of the inventory logistics, and production of finished products to their consumption.

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The company aims are establishing a system which will enable a smooth flow of products as raw materials, their use, to production of quality products, which meet the customer’s preferences. First, the company is set to establish and make use of a distribution network configuration, which specifies the location, number, network missions, and production and distribution facilities of the company. Moreover, this will cover issues on cross-docks of customers to warehousing. A distribution strategy to be used by Malcon involves a direct shipment of raw materials and finished products from their source origins of the company to the stations of consumption/manufacture. Moreover, the company is to exemplify a comprehensive trade-off logistics activity set to enable the company operate at its best even during times of challenges.

How the total quality management process is a strategy
for a competitive advantage in the workplace

The total quality management process is a strategy for attaining a competitive advantage in the workplace. Total quality management exemplifies characteristic facets, which are used by many companies and organizations in combating challenges of competition facing the international and global market. Total quality management is comprised of strategies which enable a company to work towards achieving the set objectives, aims, and goals. Moreover, total quality management has been proved to yield much profit and growth among many young and established large-scale businesses. Within Malcon Company, total quality management is one of the valuable strategies used to overcome the fluctuating market demands, resulting in stiff challenges.

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Key elements of just-in-time manufacturing and its impact on quality assurance

Elements of just-in-time manufacturing are critical in exemplifying and enabling Malcon Company to achieve its competitive levels of performance. For instance, a quick transportation of the beverage products from the company’s basement to its local consumers helps in customer maintenance. The manner in which just-in-time manufacturing is carried out helps in saving time, reaching many customers as possible, and meeting all the customer requirements at all times (Sahai et al., 2012). 


Business strategies are essential for the conception, implementation of business ideas, all the way through seeing their benefits in the form of a business. Within Malcon Company, the strategies act as building blocks from which measures of operation and sustenance are achieved. As illustrated above, operational strategies take many forms and perspectives depending on the goals, mission, vision, and objectives of the business.


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