Free «Orchard Garden Hotel» Essay Sample

Orchard garden Hotel was opened in November 2006. The hotel has emerged as California’s first LEED (US Green Building Council Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certified hotel. This attainment is as a result of the hotel developer’s commitment to come up with a healthy interior, his inter Orchard Garden Hotel rest in developing a sustainable design, and also due to the contractor’s knowledge on this subject matter. These results places Orchard garden Hotel into a better position to offer an example of an outstanding case study in its effective team collaboration and high performance construction.


Orchard garden Hotel is owned by Mrs. Haung, a China born with a vast experience in hotel business since 1958. The first Orchard Hotel was located in Perth, Australia. This was run by Mrs. Haung and her husband who passed on in 1993, leaving her with sole responsibility of taking care of the family businesses. In this regard, she has expanded the number of hotels. The San Francisco property was opened in the year 2000. Mrs. Haung has devoted herself to ensuring a clean environments and committing equal efforts into creating and operating an environmentally safe hotel.



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Partnered with Stefan Mohle, the general manager for both San Francisco properties, together with the Architecture international and Swinerton builders, Mrs. Haung has been able to design and operate a simple but a very elegant comfortable hotel. It is a conventional hotel where environmental features might not be obvious to a visiting customer, especially for those without adequate knowledge on environmental features.

Organizational structure

Project team

The project team is composed of the property oversight group, the developer, the owner, and the management company, together with the architect and the general contractor. According to Oliver Dibble -the general manager of the Orchard garden Hotel –this team is the future of construction. The team believes that the way construction was done a century ago cannot be the same way it should be done on the present age. He believes that the team has all it need in terms of material availability. Every member in this team has high performance qualifications.

Managerial structure

The company claims a total of one hundred and twenty members of staff. Sixty five works at the Orchard Hotel and fifty five at the Orchard garden Hotel. The pool is similar for both the Orchard and Orchard garden Hotels.

Staff training and compensation

In orchards gardens, staff members have been educated in using environmentally friendly cleaning products. For instance the cleaning staff use fruits based natural cleaning products although it might require extra time and affect the quality of work.  These products were tested and resulted to work as well as the bleach products. They also help to eliminate health issues such as dry skin and breathing difficulties associated with the chemical products. In addition to the salary they provide, they also provide compensation, and incentives based on the profit realized.

Community Outreach and Education

The hotel provides tours for students who are interested in high research design operations, and wish to promote a new generation of environmentally friendly professionals. The hotel is open to the public daily from 9:00 to 5:00 for parades.

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Construction and Operations

Orchards gardens have been constructed in such a way that it has indoor environment which is friendly and resource management in various ways. The location to which the hotel has been put up is characterized by urban center close to the infrastructure hence facilitating growth. In the construction process measures were put to protect soil erosion, sedimentation in waterways, and dust.

Based on the cost of construction over 10% of the materials were recycled, 55% of the materials were extracted locally, and 22% of them were manufactured locally. Fry ash was used in the concrete to avoid landfill disposal, conserve natural resources, and reduce thermal cracking effects. To manage the waste every visitors room have got in room recycling for plastic bottles, metal cans and paper as well as the collection of used  battery  for  guest. In carpeting, carpet can be recycled after the end of its useful life. 100% recycled content in the carpet is achieved by taking it back and double back wadding for sound reducing.

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In terms of energy, up to 82% of daylight energy is merged in the hotel, a high heat Albedo coating which decreases heat island effect and at the same time it saves energy. A key card energy conservation that lowers the electricity consumption by 20% is employed.  Central hydraulic heating and cooling system is used instead of fan coil system. It is through commissioning that in advance the problem was solved, and  reduce energy consumption by ensuring systems are  operated as designed.  The hotel also uses HAVAC, hot water heating, electrical, and life safety systems to ensure that they functions as designed which secure challenges and saves future energy consumption.

In water conservation, laundry practice includes bulk washing and less frequent washing. Low flow of water in bathrooms (1.5 gallons per minute) and in toilets (1.6%gallons per minute) and showers and faucet aerators also contribute in the conservation of water. In orchard there is no outside irrigation system which is needed. Management also recommended the construction of flush toilets because it reduces water usage and avoiding it could be compromised by the customers who are used to the equipment.

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Hotel project team ensured friendly internal environment by coming up with indoor air quality (IAQ)   plan to reduce amount of indoor pollutants  for example prohibited  smoking during the construction. Also the plan was made in accordance with SMACNA (sheet metal and air conditioning contractors’ national associations). The hotels central hydraulic heating and cooling system requires no ozone lessening substances (CFCs, HCFCs, or hellions) housekeeping staff use nontoxic, fruits base cleaning products.  Adhesives, paints, carpet systems, furniture, fixtures have low volatile organic compound (VOCs) radiations.

Orchard garden has the best industry practices; energy efficiency and innovation by the use of the application of guest room key card system, environmentally friendly cleaning supplies which work as well as the chemical products with the advantage of a healthy environment, well-organized space planning, effective team collaboration by working together to implement the plans as they have been put in place.

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Orchards garden hotel is constructed as simple, elegant, and comfortable making good use of the small building footmark. Apart from this it enhances the health and wellbeing of guest and staff through great performances operational practices such the use of environmentally friendly cleaning supplies. The team has also discovered that, there must be a group of dedicated professionals to attain high performance dressing as well as their commitment and anybody who is involved in the process.


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