Free «Presentation» Essay Sample

Understanding your audience helps a person to gain important insight about your listeners hence the need for audience analysis. It can be described as the act of researching and getting to know about your listeners. It can be broken down into many aspects like the age, culture, gender, tradition, attitude among many others. Since the audience will be students, a careful and detailed analysis is important. Students can be a nuisance if not handled properly.

Age is one of the aspects to consider in your analysis. The older students are easier to handle as compared to the younger ones. Most presenters will find the students rowdier, hence more difficult to handle than other audiences.

The number of students in attendance is also a major factor to consider. More students will tend to cause more distractions and make more noise. Again, majority of people tend to be afraid of crowds hence a small number is always better.

If the presentation is in a hall, the seating arrangement always matters. It affects the response of the audience. It is better if the arrangement allows the presenter to move around freely so as to improve the interaction with the audience. A well organized arrangement also eases the pressure on the presenter.



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Attitude, which is best described as what a person likes or dislikes, must also be considered. This may vary from one student to another, but it is likely that some with very negative attitude will be encountered. This can be countered by learning about the mode of presentation that they like most. Students will most likely enjoy technological presentation such as PowerPoint presentation rather than speeches.

The gender and religion should also be considered before the presentation. There are some items or services that cannot be marketed to certain religions. If the audience is mixed, it is not advisable to make jokes about gender as it might lead to loss of the audience for the rest of the presentation.

In conclusion, we can see that, a good audience analysis helps a person to get to know the audience better hence improving the chances of making a better presentation.


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