Free «The Auteur Theory» Essay Sample

1. A great advantage of being a director is that one is able to apply their own vision and to state their viewpoint while making a film. Auteur theory gains more recognition as directors become the central figures of filmmaking. Nowadays a greater part of film interpretation lies upon analyzing the means and methods the director has used in it. The popularity of this theory made both ordinary audience and critics see a person behind every film and the way this person is shown. Because of widespread perception of films as the director's creation many of cinematographic products are closely connected with the figure of the director. The latter becomes a hallmark and a brand. For instance, the popularity and praise James Cameron gained from a box office hit Titanic was widely used during the marketing campaign of his ambitious Avatar. By analogy with the earlier work a potential watcher would automatically assume the same artistic level of the newer one. Some experts, however, question the validity of the auteur theory based on claims of overintellectualizing the critics. They support it by the idea that not every good film is a product of the director's own vision.



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2. Film genre became one of the marketing categories: only certain audience will watch movies of a certain genre. Genres are a flexible category and can be divided into some smaller elements. Moulin Rouge is a musical and incorporates songs as primary elements. The personages communicate through songs, the comic effect is created by incorporation of songs from different musical eras. There are no diversions from the major genre. The classical touching scene of the long-desired meeting in romantic comedy Sleepless in Seattle is emphasized by the corresponding score. The scene presupposes the romance; the comic element is realized in the anticlimax phrase by Sam. Black comedy 8 Heads in a Duffel Bag retains its absurd element in the dialogue about the heads in their actual presence. The way personages speak about the heads creates the effect of a completely normal situation. One of them appeals to reason, but the quarrel goes on. So, all of the reviewed clips proved to be a classical interpretation of the genre the movies they are taken from belong to.


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