Free «Disney’s Time Square» Essay Sample

In this article, John Bell briefly describes the development of the New American Community Theatre, especially, New Amsterdam Theatre and the Walt Disney Company. In his article, the author compares theater industry with film industry. At the beginning of the article, John Bell points out that these two industries cooperate with each other and help create the atmosphere and community that focuses on customers. During the last century Times Square area and Broadway were an amazing place for America’s classic theater and center of entertainment for those people who live in the city. The place was also called Composite Manhattan. Furthermore, this place helps to create urban modernism.

One of the first important steps of transition from live theater to filming was when Disney, who came to New York to renegotiate the contract with Charles Mintz and left the project, created a new cartoon with the mouse and the cat. Moreover, that trip was marked by the idea that Hollywood was more important than New York and that live theater was localized while the cartoon animation was a more universal form of entertainment. Later, Lee Simonson noticed the changes between the film and the theater industries and wondered about the future of live theater. In addition to this, he suggested a plan to develop live theater and move theater from big cities to suburbs. This idea later transformed into outdoor cinema. After a few years of film production in the suburbs they came back to Broadway and New Amsterdam Theatre and are successfully developing now.



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