Free «Theoretical framework» Essay Sample

A research proposal refers to a document that a researcher writes for providing a detailed description regarding a proposed project. It serves as an outline that provides a reader with a summary of the discussion. Higher learning institutions, such as colleges and universities require students to write research proposals, for instance, a research proposal on global warming. Topics such as causes and effects of global warming require researchers to write a research proposal, which contribute significantly toward reducing the activities that bring about global warming. Like any other research proposal, an excellent research proposal on global warming should have a number of sections, including a title, rationale and background information, research questions, theoretical framework, methods, ethical considerations, time schedule, and dissemination.

The title of the research proposal should be brief and descriptive to draw a reader’s interest. For instance, the researcher can choose a topic as, “The Causes and Effects of Global Warming.” In the section of background and rationale, a researcher should summarize the existing literature in global warming, and perhaps identify areas where the literature provides enlightenment and where it does not provide enlightenment. Most importantly, a researcher must provide convincing information to why the research would be valuable and resourceful.



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A researcher must formulate research questions in a clear manner. The research questions in the research proposal on global warming may include, “What are the causes of global warming?” “What are the impacts of global warming on human health?” “What are the impacts of global warming on social and physical infrastructure?” “How does global warming affect food supply?” and “How does global warming influence economy?”

In the section of the theoretical framework, a researcher should clarify the theoretical resources that he or she should consider, and the reason to why they should consider the resources. It is necessary for a researcher to give credit to resources that have emphasized the research. In the sections of methods, the researcher will get an opportunity to inform the admissions committee on his or her plan to address the research problem. This section describes the necessary activities for the completion of the research on global warming. The researcher should think about the practical issues, for instance, if he or she intends to undertake fieldwork.

In the section of ethical considerations, the researcher will consider issues of confidentiality and power. The searcher should read suitable ethical guidelines, which the proposal on global warming should follow. Another necessary section is the time schedule in which the researcher needs to map out a schedule of the research to monitor the progress in an effective manner. This will ensure that the researcher does not waste time. Finally, the researcher requires the section of dissemination, which will indicate that the work of the research has a publishable quality. The researcher will need to get other experienced personnel to read the proposal and write their comments.


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