Free «Western civilization» Essay Sample

Why slave trade did came to rely on the peoples of West Africa

The Africans slaves were relied on by the Europeans countries for labor. For instance, they were transported as slaves by the Portuguese and taken to Spain or Portugal (Rodriguez, 1997).  The slaves were used as household servants; however, most of the slaves were transported to the sugar producing Islands in Mediterranean or off African coast where the slaves labored in agricultural slaves. The slaves were relied on for labor on the farmers by the Europeans.

The role played by religion as a motivation in discovery age

Religion played a very major in motivation of the European age of modern era exploration. Even though Christianity was a new religion in 16th century, it was religion that motivated exploration (Spielvogel, 2012). Also, the religious motives played major part in European age of exploration. This was an interactive process and the collaborative effort; it is heavily reliant upon knowledge and European skills.



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The impact did Reformation doctrines have, for example, on the family, education, and popular religious practices


It is centuries, and Catholicism praised family and sanctified in his existence by making marriage a sacrament. The high regard for the abstinence from sex, through that the celibate way of clergy preferable to marriage.

 Education in reformation

There was an effect on development of Europe education through reformation. Renaissance and humanism had altered education content and protestant educators as successful in the implementation and the use of humanity methods in the schools that were protestant (Spielvogel, 2011).

The reformer’s who protestant attacked Catholic Church that led to the radical changes in the religious practices. The reformation abolished and severely curtailed such customary practices and indulgences, veneration of saints and relics, monasticism, pilgrimages and clerical celibacy.

Columbus comments

According to Columbus comments, he argued that, rests on division of labor manifest advantages of the peaceful cooperation which uses human differences with the ability to the greatest extent the possible way of human progress’s centuries, and Catholicism praised family and sanctified in his existence by making marriage to be a sacrament (Rothbard, 2000). The high regard for the abstinence from sex and through that the celibate way of clergy preferable to marriage.


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