Free «The Gold Rush Charlie Chaplin» Essay Sample

Thesis Statement: A coward is likely to die several times before he gets to his death, on the other hand, the courageous are will never taste the aspect of death but only once.

Personal Experience

Charlie Chaplin, is solely responsible for the direction, production as well acting as the core star in the silent film comedy: The Gold Rush produced in 1925. There are several lessons that can be learnt from the movie, and despite the fact that the audience are entertained to an environment of laughter, the message is indeed past across. Travelling through life we are destined to meet various challenges, which might at times determine our destiny.  The star, the Tramp, in travelling to the Yukon meets one obstacle in form of bad weather. The following analysis will illustrate the experience generated after watching the movie, as well as the significant role it played in its production days and the present day.

The obstacle we face in the present life should not deter us in accomplishing some mileage in the society. Furthermore, they are factors that can be used towards generating good in the environment. How do we live our comfort zones, a life full of hope and adventure into chasing an opportunity worth death? The question might be difficult to answer, but Chaplin shows a perfect example in living this sought of life to encounter hardships, starvation, a life of solitude all for a cause.



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It is worth noting that Chaplin encounters two characters in his journey, Mack Swain starring as Jim McKay and Tom Murray as Black Larsen. The two have different characteristics and it is difficult to imagine how Chaplin can interact with two people who are both sharing different views. In life we all need people we can trust by our side and the thought of having mistrust relationship can jeopardize coexistence. It is not easy to interact with a murderer and a thief, a character depicted by Black Larsen. The first though that always comes to one’s mind is that he can turn against you and kill you for his personal advantage, especially when you a common target. On the other hand, the thought of having someone you can trust in the form of Jim McKay brings some sought of relief.

It is awful to discover that a teenager get romantically involved with a stranger whom he has encountered with for a short while. Those advocating for children rights will feel moved with pity to pursue the case against Chaplin of engaging a young girl in work while it is prohibited. Furthermore, he takes advantage of this by falling in love with him. Despite the fact that we can conclude that it was love at first sight, the moral implications of the story can degenerate the social beliefs of the community. For instance, it is a wrong sign to depict a teenager working in a contract basis while she should be in an education environment gaining knowledge.

As a parent, we all wish the best for our children including the best of education, a perfect role model in the society and a future resource to the nation. It is painful to watch such talent being trained while the girl is not yet sixteen. It is wrong to illustrate such a young girl in the movie and to further illustrate that she falls into an affair with a man worth calling her father. We are left asking, where are the moral values we were taught to uphold? Are there any laws that govern against teenagers being involved in child labour? If so, what actions are taken against those who abuse these beliefs? These are the many questions one asks himself while viewing Lita Gray being involved with Chaplin.

The movie presents the dangers, hazards, prosperity as well as dangers of Alaska. Alaska during the time was deeply evaluated for most of the difficulties it cherished and so viewing the movie will clearly illustrate that we are anticipating a bad ending. It is absurd to know the ills involved in Alaska and still pursue a course you term worth, as was with Charlie. At the begging, the difficulties in negotiating the Chilcoot Pass shows us that the road ahead is bumpy and might not result to any good. The other episodes worth terrifying are the acts of Larson. As have been indicated earlier, he is a murderer and sets out in search of food which results to his killing the two officers. We are left asking why take the lives of the people who are designed to give you security? The action by Larsen shows that his intentions in this venture are not genuine and that he will do anything to get what he wants, including the killing of innocent lives.

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The young relationship between Chaplin and Lita Gray results in the birth of two baby boys, Sydney Chaplin and Charles junior. As depicted by Chaplin, we can conclude that the affair was just like an obstacle to him and that he never felt this was what he wanted. The two partners, Chaplin and Lita Grey soon discover that their relationship was a forced affair and that neither of them are enjoying the bond of parenthood. This is the same scenario that we encounter in our daily life, love at first sight. Though some prove to be useful in the long run, there are some relationship that only leads an individual to regrets in the future. One is left wondering the necessity of having a choice before entering into a relationship.

The final episodes of the movie show that Chaplin and his trusted lieutenant, McKay finally made it to the States this time being millionaires. Larsen did not live to see this day as his intention in acquiring the gold rush was built on false beliefs. As stated in the thesis statement, courage won the two the reward of eternity as illustrated by the last party victory. Furthermore, we learn that patience, as was illustrated by the two friends, finally rewarded them in the long run. In personal experience, we learn that there is nothing inevitable under planet earth and that everything can be achieved with determination and courage. Despite their cabin being thrown into disarray by the wind to a mountain precipice, the two gentlemen are determined to meet their target, acquiring the gold rush.

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There are some decisions we make in life that can be considered misplaced. Chaplin was determined to land the gold rush but his credentials hit an all time low when he was involved with a teenage girl whom he finally fell in love with. The love was fruitful for it resulted in the birth of two beautiful baby boys. However, this marriage was never to last. It is an experience worth reflecting upon. It shows that we should be careful when making major decisions, for others might come back to haunt us. Perfect love is that which waits and will cross the boundary of storm and challenges so as to stand the test of time.

The importance of the film

The film dates back to an era before the First World War which further signifies the need for hope in the upcoming years. The challenges that were being faced in the period leading to the First World War were frightening, others left people with no much hope but to give up. Chaplin is an example to the people living during those days that we should never lose sight of what we think is right and can achieve. He went against all odds and yet accomplished what seemed to be a great milestone. The people living in that ear could have borrowed a leaf from his events, taking into considerations that he rose against injustice, starvation, anger and yet made it.

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On the other hand, the film teaches us of the power of patience. In order to accomplish great things, we have to first encounter trials, persecutions and at times, death. In the olden days, the year in which the movie was produced, people needed an encouragement in how to face their obstacles in life which included starvation, diseases and even rejection. Chaplin taught the people at that time on the need to push forward despite their hard conditions. It was also a lesson to the people at that time that people cannot be sad all the time, and that there are ways in which a person can be able to use sad moments to generate positive elements in the community.

In the olden days, people were busy saying that they did not like this type of leadership or the constitution or even the laws that govern the land. Some of these laws were oppressive while others denied people their rights to freedom, interaction and communication. Chaplin showed a perfect example that the solution cannot be by mere talk, but people had to rise above the dictatorial regime by going out to face those challenges. This was the only way through which change could have been realized. For instance, it is hard to believe that Chaplin cooked his own boot and ate while pursuing the gold rush. This serves to show that true freedom, great goals are never accomplished on a silver platform and that there are sacrifices that have to be made.

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In the present day, we can conclude that the film serves to educate us on the need to hold onto our objectives despite our shortcomings. The modern day relationship can also learn from the adventure between Chaplin and Georgia and how their relationship was bound to work. Georgia does not love Chaplin because he is in possession of wealth, but because of the person he is. Georgia had discovered that Chaplin loved her by the incidence at the empty Cabin where Chaplin had anticipated the arrival of Georgia. However, this did not take place but was to later materialize at the steerage level. We are prompted to ask several questions, why do we love? Is it because of money, possessions or is it out of sympathy.

It is also worth noting that our friends can be the cause of our downfall or they might lead us to glory. For instance, it was necessary for Chaplin to interact with both Jim and Larsen despite the fact that the latter was wanted and a murderer. This only shows that in our interaction with such type of people, we should keep our distance, watching every move as we march to our goal. On the other hand, it teaches us that it teaches us that true love is that which waits. Chaplin regretted the earlier decisions he had made in life after being engaged with a teenager, who was also the mother of his two baby boys. It is also a wakeup call to organizations that deal with children’s rights on the need to protect the girl child education. In a world that quickly evolves, we ought to have regulations that teenagers are not deprived of education and that they should not be subjected to child labour. Parents too have their roles to play in ensuring that they take good care of their children. This will result in them being able to monitor their progress and not allow them to be over exploited in working environment.

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Visual Aspects

Chaplin as a Hero

The movie stars Chaplin as the main hero alongside his counterpart, Jim McKay. From the beginning of the movie, we see his determination at having observed the wasted opportunities not being taken by the people. It is worth noting that Chaplin will stand down for nothing until he has obtained the gold rush that he is aiming to accomplish. His trait is further elaborated when he regrets the decision he made by engaging with the teenage girl in marital affairs. Against all odds, he believes that it is only by trying when we can be able to accomplish our goals and objectives in life.

Jim as a determined fellow

Jims cabin was swept away by the strong wind which in the real sense, might discourage an individual from moving on with the task ahead. Despite this shortfall, he remains determined to his cause by promising to fight to the end.

Alaska unfavourable conditions

The conditions in Alaska are unfavourable. For instance, there is starvation, challenges and several difficulties that people tend to lose on hope. The thought of even aspiring for the gold rush is a challenge not worth taking, for the little hope left for it to await their destiny.

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The Gold rush

This is a great opportunity that can only be accomplished through struggle and perseverance. On the other hand, the struggle will prove costly in the end. Furthermore, it is an opportunity where people get the chance of changing their destiny.

The aspect of marriage

The first love between the teenage girl and Chaplin did not work out very well. On the contrary, they faced the regret of having been involved in the affair. Despite this fact, they were able to be fruitful by having two children. The end is also an important part of the movie where real love has conquered. Georgia is not after the wealth that has just been received by Chaplin, but she sees something different in him that attracts her to him. 


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