Free «Durham Strategic Plan» Essay Sample

Question 1

The organization that is ready to undertake strategic planning should first study the public or customers’ demands, which will determine the level of its seriousness in setting credible objectives that are aimed at satisfying such demands. The company members will then show the willingness to make constructive efforts to implement their objectives, while eliminating programs that do not serve the customers’ interests. In an assessment of the general state of the organization, majority of the members will show unquestionable willingness to have change in the manner in which some operations are conducted, while only a few will be satisfied with the current state.

Furthermore, an organization where the employees are in good rapport with their officers in the management depicts high indication that strategic planning might be possible unlike where there are frequent misunderstandings between them. It is closely connected with the style of leadership that prevails in an organization. In case leaders show readiness for strategic planning, they will employ a democratic kind of leadership as opposed to authoritatorial leadership style, which clearly shows a high degree of incorrigibility. In addition to it, the support that organizational leadership enjoys from the staff should be taken into consideration. Where the entire staff of the organization comprises of leftists, the situation can adversely deter planning for the general good of the organization.



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Finally, the manner in which the organization tries to resolve the internal conflicts determines its readiness to make necessary changes that may add value to the running of its affairs. Where the organization is characterized by unresolved conflicts in its various departments, reform agenda might be difficult to implement. Additionally, it is important consider the purpose of the organization as entrenched in the missions, goals and objectives. An organization that is particular about proper service delivery will formulate credible mission together with realistic, achievable and time bound short-term and long-term objectives and goals.

Question 2

Organizations that are not ready to engage in strategic planning are always characterized by procrastination where there is outright lack of commitment among the leaders and staff to accomplish the relevant tasks within the required span of time. There are also conditions in which both the members of the staff and leadership are contended with the prevailing circumstances they find themselves in and do little or nothing to improve the situation.

Besides, there will be frequent acts of insubordination among staff and the administration, which is a sign of lack of a common goal that should be the unifying factor. In the same breath, there is a high tendency of the juniors sabotaging the plans offered by the management. It occurs due to the fact that they may feel insecure with the new changes that may render them irrelevant and so they find it necessary to maintain status quo for their own good.

Apart from that, some members of the organization may portray the character of self-centeredness where they lack the willingness to contribute ideas that may bring a positive change to the organization. They would be more preoccupied with their own affairs than the affairs of the company. Closely related to such situation is the conflict of interests, which is often observed among the officials in the management team who would be more concerned about performing organizational tasks. Moreover, in such plans, they will see a direct benefit to themselves either as a way of securing them promotions or monetary gains, among other.

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Finally, employees together with the management that are de-motivated will definitely lack the willingness to make strategic plans or even implement them to improve the operations of organization.

Question 3

Obviously, Durham Volunteer Fire Company is ready for progress as exhibited in the results of the internal value system survey. First, a large percentage (64%) of staff members expressed their willingness to change, while only 29% were unwilling and an insignificant 9% were undecided. More so, there is a strong rapport between the staff and officers, signifying that any changes proposed in the organization have high chances of sabotaging. Leadership is generally impressive as affirmed by the majority of the staff members who also commend the fire officers for being very supportive. Finally, majority of the members also confirmed their satisfaction with the organization’s mission, goals and objectives. Without doubt it portrays their positive attitude towards the organization. Therefore, they will be more willing to support the strategic plans, which may be necessary for fast progress of their company.

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Question 4

Durham Fire Department hopes to embark on establishing education and mentoring programs to conduct training of the firefighting officers so that they were equipped with necessary knowledge and skills. Consequently, it must help consolidate their capacity to accomplish the organization’s goals and objectives. Besides, they hope to initiate a relevant model for the delivery of emergency medical services to all dwellers of Durham town through express mailing service (EMS). Apart from that, DVFC hopes to revamp the departmental structure that has the capacity to implement the programs of the company alongside with the stipulated goals, objectives and mission. It shall be reflected in the spirit of teamwork and professionalism portrayed among the staff, as well. Finally, DVFC hopes to improve its communication structure by opening more lines through which the public could reach them for services, advice and opinions.

Question 5

The DVFC chief should delegate responsibilities to his juniors for easy and thorough implementation. However, he should remain strict to oversee and ensure that all staff members are answerable to him by returning feedback reports as often as possible. The heads of departments ought to appraise their respective staff members to ensure the execution of the plan.

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Question 6

Any organization is obliged to define values as guiding principles towards the achievement of their clear and credible goals, objectives and mission. Values will ensure rapport between the members, instill discipline, as well as enhance professionalism and integrity among members of staff while rendering services to the customer. Values also ensure the worth of the organization to the employees and their families, the community and the environment at large as entrenched in the provisions of corporate social responsibility (CSR).

Question 7

The most influential officer in any well-structured organization, such as DVFC, is the managing director (MD). He or she acts as a basis for supporting of all segments of the organization and ensures effective achievement of expected results. The MD determines the direction that a company takes and the rate of progression or retrogression.

Question 8

A high performing organization is first known by its focused and committed management who are skillful planners, implementers and evaluators. They have to ensure that the company programs are well-coordinated and that all stipulated plans are carefully and effectively incorporated into the system without causing any inconveniences to the normal schedules of the company. In addition, they have to possess high level of public relations (PR) skills to uphold the confidence of the entire organization.

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Besides, a high performing organization is also characterized by vibrant and well-motivated staff members, who are proud to perform the responsibilities they are charged with in the organization. Such kind of staff will be self-driven, transparent and accountable. Such characteristics will help them value and enjoy any assignments they accomplish. Apart from that, a high performing company requires efficient infrastructural facilities that will ensure progressive trend in the organization programs. 


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