Free «Literature Review on a Conceptual/Theoretical Framework: Organizational Leadership» Essay Sample


Review of literature on leadership in organizations covers a wide number of studies and some experiments of the past relating to the field. However, only a small fraction of the literature comprises the main scope of the leadership in organization's context of viewpoint. For this reason, there is an emerging question on whether to apply the findings got from the general leadership literature in the organization’s management context. However, in the event that there is a distinction in the leadership in the organization’s context, their analysis should be performed separately. If leadership in the organizations is a different case, an individual should seek to realize what knowledge that he or she has concerning the leadership in organization structure.

The Nature of Organizational Leadership and the Technological Innovation Process

The development changes in the technology started a very long time ago and at different rates. In contrast, the sequence by which such changes took place in the organizational leadership is always on the stable rise for the past few years (Kutz, 2012). For instance, the processes that entail the inclusion of the scientific knowledge in the engineering fields always result in the incorporation of teamwork. In this case, it requires some form of leadership within it in order to ensure its functionality. Projects through their groups have the capability to ensure the rapid innovation and the developments that have the concerns on the change modifications and, at the same time, the increment of such innovations in place. Leadership in organizations, in particular, together with the projects apply the scientific and technological concepts and skills in enhancing the transformation of the leadership in most organizations (Kutz, 2012). However, it will be possible through the application of the many innovations ensuring they follow the concepts they use at that time. Such concepts and skills have their application in the formulation of ideas, design of products or processes, and the entire integration of the units of the innovations in the organization. However, many steps should be made in the firm or the organization for the purpose of ensuring the success of the innovations in the organization's market fraternity. In Addition, it should incorporate leadership skills.



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Leadership in the Organizational Context

The conceptual and theoretical framework that underpins the practice of leadership in organizations is well presented in literature. The scholars and researchers reviewed the concept of leadership in the past (Scott, 2012). Analysis of the literature will thus provide a basis for understanding the way different concepts and theories are presented in the literature. Leadership in the organizational context exists in three categories. The latter are the direct studies of the leadership theories or behaviors, characteristics of the organizational climate that constitutes a leader, and the informational organization that constitutes the roles performed by the leaders. For this reason, the paper reviews all the categories and argues the potential directions that may be applicable for future leadership positions in the organizations (Kutz, 2012). The concepts developed in research by scholars present various perspectives on the way organizational leadership can be exercised in an organization.

Most theories offer their suggestions that various leadership forms are crucial components of innovation in the organization (Parker & McKinley, 2008). The reason is that they dictate the ideas in entrepreneurial, championing, project management, gate management, and sponsoring of certain objectives within the organization. The notion in this case involves the issue of development and test of new concepts as well as the creativity towards enhancing the issue off problem-solving as a whole. Consequently, the element should encompass the motivation of the team members and project organization as well as coordinate with the team members, especially on principal activities that relate to the project leading roles. Similarly, sponsoring or coaching entails the offering of the guidance, the development of the abilities, and the strength of the team members. For instance, most roles focus on the leadership behaviors found in a project group. On the same note, gate keeping encompasses the activities such as the dissemination of the information found either inside or outside the project team (Owsiak, 2014). Other cases are coordination of the personnel and the acquisition of the knowledge pertaining to the professional development outside the organization itself. Finally, entrepreneurial process regards collecting resources and marketing ideas to people.

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Boundary-Spanning and Championing Roles of Leaders

Apart from the internal leadership activities in the project group members, the project leaders also play a critical role in the spanning across the limits of the group (Parker & McKinley, 2008). In addition, it also entails the organization with other elements found either outside or inside the organization. For instance, internally, the firm supports the top management organs such as marketing, manufacturing, and operation departments. However, the organization experiences it through the incorporation of the technological innovations for the successful transformation of the products into new ones and the way they reach the customers in the market. Externally, the relations in the firm with the potential customers, suppliers, governmental agencies, trade associations, and competitors are critical for the success of the product (Ingenbleek, 2007). Consequently, to ensure the coverage of the many elements, the project in this perspective has the obligation to push upward the pressures. The pressures come across the boundaries to ensure it emerges to be a champion among other similar projects in the production sector

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Leadership Theories

Presently, there are a lot of demands to know more about the organizational leadership through the technological innovation. However, there is also necessity to know more about the respective theories that accompany the knowledge on the leadership through such technological innovations. Such studies should primarily dwell on the traits and the behaviors of the very first-time supervisors (Elkins & Keller, 2003). They are initially based on the positivity of the innovation on the leaders’ technical skills, administrative skills, and human relationship skills. Presently, the studies focus on the leaders’ traits and their behaviors in general. For this reason, transformational leadership and strategic leadership with the objective to evaluate the leadership roles as a whole will be explored (Parker & McKinley, 2008).

Transformational and Transactional Leadership

Transformational leadership encourages the organizations' followers to have a look at their problems from the perspective of intellectual stimulation (Crossan & Apaydin, 2009). Consequently, it may make them support and offer the “encouragement (individualized consideration), communicate a vision (inspirational motivation), and engender emotion” as well as identification charisma (Owsiak, 2014). However, transactional leadership offers the motivation to the subordinates by application of the contingent awards, corrective actions (passive management by exception), and rule enforcement (active management by exception).

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Organizational leadership can also be conceptualized as a transformational way of putting together resources to achieve a certain objective. The financial, human, and technological resources are deployed in a manner that speeds up the process of identifying and achieving the goal. Transformational leadership theory may assist in the prediction of the transformation leaders tend to be more effective in all situations. The theory at the same time reveals the contextual varieties that may result in the increment of the transformational behaviors. Concurrently, the transformational behaviors ensure the effectiveness of the various types of organizational leadership forms (Sambrook & Roberts, 2005).

Strategic Leadership

The conceptual framework for providing strategic leadership in an organization is well presented in the literature. Many studies conceptualize leadership as a notion founded in theories of strategic analysis and explanation. An evaluation of leadership from strategic perspective gives the linkage with the top management actions and the organizational leadership performance. Through the evaluation of the divestitures by organizations, there is the intense application of the related activities to the implementation of the finances. Their implementation enhances the control of the top management that in this case has a negative effect on the internal innovation (Scott, 2012). By incorporating strategic leadership in the process of leading, the conceptualization is enhanced because leadership is regarded from different perspectives. This allows to analyze the process of leading using different perspectives. This is also anchored in theoretical background because strategy as a process of leading can be explained in different ways.

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Organizational leadership may entirely result in the internal inspiration of not only the team but also of a leader or a member of the team who has the responsibility to participate in the multiple roles such as the external cases. For instance, a leader should define boundary limits that are relevant to the elements found externally in the group. Such instances may include the managers and personnel in marketing, manufacturing, operating divisions, and customers from outside the firm. This activity may be critical to the survival and success of the project.


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