Free «Vocation in the Global Labor Market» Essay Sample

The speedy development of technology and science has led to an upheaval in the understanding of concepts of work, career and calling. Life earning and the emerged demands of the labor market can cause difficulties of adaptation for the specialists trained in the old-fashioned systems of education or working in a traditional way.  The computerization of many spheres of goods production and service delivery has led to the dismissal of executive personnel. Moreover, the globalization has increased opportunities for the cheaper workforce engagement, off shoring and trade migration. The world seized to be round, it became “flat” (Friedman 206).

Employers no longer tend to hire people locally or in accordance with some ethnic, culture or religious preferences. They do not hunt for professionals with good diplomas either. The leaders of the projects look for profitable cooperation, independent flexible players ready to present the best result. The most successful start ups can exist and flourish with remote freelance staff and without personal acquaintance or data about the workers.



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The lost value of reproductive jobs has led to the vital necessity of discovering genuine personal vocation in the global labor market. Understanding of the personal calling is subject to the development of critical thinking, flexibility and work with motivational sphere.

Challenges and Demands of the New Age Employment

Competition grows in the modern world. A few decades ago, it was enough to have a quality college education to have social guarantees and the prospect of a stable income in a prosperous firm. McGowan notes that not so long ago students automatically became employees after graduating college. In the modern labor market they have to become entrepreneurs (McGowan 19). Both modern graduates and dismissed workers face the challenge of working for the result not just performing some current duties. The employers need initiative and creativity in their staff that is ready to fulfill the tasks in the new age of media communication and cooperation through the Internet.  

On the one hand, it is a great challenge. The system of education still practices reproductive methods of teaching and does not pay much attention to the creativity and critical thinking development.  Students get factual knowledge and lack the ability to perform and produce something unique and original. This approach causes many complications with the adaptation in the adult life in the quickly changing digital reality.

On the other hand, the new demands of the global labor market are a great opportunity for personal development, exchange of cultural values and modes of behavior. In the new conditions of the increased competition, people resort to anything they find meaningful and important. They do not hide or reserve the inner potential but have a vital necessity to present it to the world, share and hopefully take advantage of it.

For example, Tom Peters feels “damn lucky” about the necessity to adapt in the new quickly changing educational and social conditions. He calls the new global labor environment “weird, wired, wild new age of work” (Schermerhorn 62). The author implies that nowadays communication, professional cooperation and growth are subject to online accessibility. The presentation and advertising of any new idea, project or innovation unavoidably goes through the web, acquires a social response, resonance or no attention.

The on-line appreciation is independent and easily estimated. It is the first step on the way to achieving success, popularity and acknowledgement. Modern work or project has to show the signs of freshness and originality. Both a hair stylist and a genius computer programmer should express the utmost devotion and drive in carrying out their professional activity if they want to keep afloat.  

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Critical Thinking and Flexibility

The question remains whether the scientific progress has led to improvement or degradation in the labor market. On the one hand, the increased competition and the incorporation of new culture values that appear in multinational teams lead to reconsideration of personal merits, behavior, style and values. Such diversity helps see the same problem from different angles. Such approach increases the number of possible ways out (Lerner 66). Personal motivation and drive, ability to infect with one’s vision acquire importance in the competition for better work places.

On the other hand, the new demands cause a lot of stress, uncertainty and money problems among the relatively stable layers of the middle class population. Many people feel lost facing the necessity to carry out jobs at the lower wages or change their specialty. Some people have to cross oceans in order to find a suitable job. They start trying themselves in new spheres and sometimes get involved in human trafficking and fraud. That is why a critical mind is an essential characteristic of any applicant on today’s global labor market.

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A competitive worker is someone ready to understand and decode implications of the task, without extra complication or simplification. The ability to perceive what is the exact purpose of his/her activity is the crucial point in appointment for the project.  The demand for a quality product or service stipulates the need for the employee to be many-sided and educated, but at the same time understandable for the target consumer in delivering the final product.

Non-suggestive mind and critical thinking are the characteristics necessary for working out flexibility of mind and effective adaptation to the increased amounts of waste and non-addressee information. The attention-absorbing advertising steals individual ability to concentrate on the set task. The problem stipulates the need for developing independent thinking and considering different approaches, visions and tolerant attitude in the surrounding environment. At the same time, the individual should be able to detect the threat to his time caused by casual time passing and wasteful net surfing.


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