Free «The World is Yours» Essay Sample

The single by Nas ‘The World Is Yours’ which features Pete Rock is the third song from rapper’s Illmatic debut album. Some of the music critics even consider it to be one of the best hip hop singles ever recorded.

The main idea of the ‘The World Is Yours’ is to show how people are being controlled.

In my opinion, the name of the song and even just the phrase ‘the world’ mean that we are responsible for how we live, where we live, with whom we live. This is especially clearly seen in the Nas’ phrase ‘I’m out for presidents to represent me’ which states that we choose who to vote for, and if we do not like the president who has been elected, it is our blame and responsibility to make better votes and finally elect that president who will represent our interests.

In case, we happen to get ourselves into a bad situation, it is only our fault if the consequences do not make us happy and we even get into jail. Therefore, we lead our lives; when something happens with us, it is not the problem of circumstances, other people, etc., it is only our fault.



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‘Born alone, die alone, no crew to keep my crown or throne’ states that we should not depend on anyone but us: The standards of our lives depend only on us, other people do not choose it for us. In our time, it is difficult to find a person who you can really trust, that is why we should rely only on ourselves.

The language which Nas uses is emphatic and expressive. He includes swearing words to stress on certain problems. The rapper uses euphemism to disguise his averse towards some people. For example, he calls ‘Rotten Apple’ those who make our lives complicated with their cheatings and dishonesty. Using the capital letters shows that this is the leading top of the nation.


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