Free «A song that best describes you» Essay Sample

Song Name: Pachelbel‘s Canon

Artist: Johann Pachelbel


John Pachebel was a famous German musician lived in 16th centuries; he was a music teacher, organist and music composer. Pachelbel’s Canon was one of the great compositions by him during those days.

The lyrical part of the song and the tone of its beat are moving up and down just like going up and down the stairs. While going up it takes a lot of efforts, but while going down it is effortless. It is easy to give up the things from life, but it is hard gain the lost things, just like how hard it is to climb the mountain, but while coming down you feel it is very easy. We should learn the lesson from hard times, but we need to keep moving on in life with good memories and by being positive. There are hard and good times in life, but we need learn how to overcome it and keep moving in life journey.


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