Free «Carnegia Mellon University» Essay Sample

Why I want to go to Carnegia Mellon University

I have always dreamed of excelling in Computer Science;
It is my passion;
It is my companion;
It is my soul.

I chose to acquire an advanced level education because it does provide people with relevant information that relates to the field of interest as well as a chance to achieve leadership positions such as managers, instructors and leaders in our future careers in private and public sectors. I expect to develop myself into an ideal professional brand with interdisciplinary knowledge, with knowledge in Computer Science.

I am looking forward to get admitted to Carnegia Mellon University next fall as a Computer Science Major. I am therefore applying for your university’s program because it happens to properly match with all my interests and high level of motivation. I have chosen CMU because it is characterized by well developed machine learning department and the cutting edge technology. I have visited the campus several times and have spoken with various students who seem excited about the school and I want to share the excitement. In addition, CMU’s program provides a well coordinated approach to various aspects as well as tools that enables people to become competent professionals.



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To reinforce my eligibility for CMU’s program, I have been inducted into the Freshman Honor society, won the Computer Science Award for the best overall grade, and have recently been inducted into the national honor society. I had a 3.8 GPA in Fall 2010 and a 4.0 GPA in Spring 2011. I was also a paid intern this summer at NASA in Washington DC where I was asked to continue working at NASA and attend Howard University. I have worked very hard at turning around my academic life and I now want the opportunity to study at one of the best universities in the world. Growing up overseas as an expatriate child and student, I intend to bring an international perspective and a multicultural understanding to the university. Having travelled the world, I have learned tolerance and acceptance of all people; I have a unique global mindset. I have slept with the Bedouins in the desert, built houses for Habitat for Humanity in Thailand and helped the Japanese after the tsunami. This implies that I care about people, am passionate about saving the environment and giving back to the world.

With an opportunity to attend and study at CMU, I will be well prepared to lead a very promising career. I am both emotionally and mentally capable to face the rigorous challenges posed by graduate study and thrive under the demanding environment that advanced studies entail. I believe that the program will give me an opportunity to further develop my skills and explore my interest in Computer Science. I anticipate becoming a trustworthy and honest team-member and contribute to the field of machine learning.


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