Free «Internship Experience» Essay Sample

My internship experience at Mount Vernon Police Department taught me the valuable lessons for my life. I realized that the internship experience is a key to the successful and rewarding career. To begin with, the internship gave me a chance to connect the information that I learnt in class with the events that happen in the professional circles. I can solve the problems by thinking outside the box because analyzing the issues critically is being among the skills being vital at the Department. My interaction with my mentors gave me confidence that this will have a positive impact on my future endeavors. I learnt that every question has an answer, and that no question can go unchallenged at the organization that adores professionalism. I asked the questions that were answered promptly, and my inquisitive nature proved to be vital because it made me learn the things that only the really inquisitive mind could grasp.

At the Department, time was of the essence to every daily activity. I improved my time management skills beyond the levels that I could not imagine. Just like at any law enforcement department, punctuality was of the utmost importance at Mount Vernon Police Department. Reporting late and leaving the work station earlier from the required time was strictly out of the station’s order. Similarly, missing the deadlines or extending the datelines was outlawed totally. It is believed that experience builds the character, and that a good one impact on the personality is priceless. My internship put me in such an environment that helped me to cultivate the virtues of patience, perseverance, and humility. I fostered strong working relationships with all staff members and with everyone that I had the professional contact with. This gave me the opportunity to build an extensive network of people that I believe will be the great value in my life. I became open to the new and different ideas. Truthfully, my internship put me ahead of many my peers in many aspects. Every day, I was assigned different tasks to perform within a given timeline. My supervisor was an excellent example of the footsteps I would like to follow in my profession. I learnt to express myself in a clear, respectful and professional manner. My internship period gave me the time to chart my career path because now I know what I want to do after finishing my college. My internship experience has also added a feather to my curriculum vitae cap. I have the invaluable references that will give me the recommendations to any prospective employers. I believe I am well-equipped with the professional tips and sound pieces of advice to enable me adapting to any working environment. The work ethics was highly valued and the professionalism firmly upheld. The organizational nature of my host organization inculcated the useful work ethics for all employees. For instance, all members carried out their duties with decorum. The virtues like respecting co-workers, being flexible, not taking part in the office politics, not being arrogant, keeping your time, dressing in the official attire, being willing to perform the assigned tasks with enthusiasm, and having the positive attitude were common among the staff. These values have shaped my outlook, and I would be confident working at any office anywhere in the world. Another treasured skill that employers are looking for in any applicant is a perfect team working ability.



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At the department, I learnt that working as a team produced the results fast; hence, enhanced the productivity. As the team members, we worked in harmony because we felt that we were the part of the common course. Trust was built as well as the enhanced support for one another. For most tasks, there was a team leader, and different styles of managing the team were brought to the fore. Needless to say, my leadership skills have passed via the tremendous improvement. The leaders are made, not necessarily born, and to become an effective leader a lot of efforts are required. In conclusion, I do not regret my time spent at Mount Vernon Police Department. I will forever be grateful to all those that ensured me to have the memorable and educational experience. I have learnt the valuable lessons that will put me ahead of the competition in future.


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