Free «MBA» Essay Sample

Chemical companies have a lot of challenges they face in the day to day running of their business. There are a lot of problems facing the companies under my sector of work ranging from internal and external problems.

One of the main problems facing the companies in the sector I am currently working is environmental conservation. Environmental conservation is a paramount concern in the world today. Since the companies in this sector are involved in the production of petrochemical products, some of which are harmful to production and use, the issue of environment is an everyday challenge. The company has to adhere to internationally accepted standards of environment conservation. Every company in this sector has to come up with the best procedures in the production process in order to stay safe in the market. This does not come easy and has by far posed a formidable challenge in dealing with many companies.

Another problem likely to face the sector over the next three years is the rising cost of production. There has been tremendous rice of production costs due to the depletion of raw materials for production. A lot of organizations will have to adjust to their production procedures in order to manage these costs.



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Every organization in these sectors will likely to experience the problem of pirates which is continuing to raise the cost of freight charges. This problem has continued to rise in recent years and will likely to continue in the next three years.

In order to manage working under these conditions, the companies must come up with new technologies that ensure less or no environmental pollution. The companies should invest heavily in research. The companies must also come up with methods that reduce production costs, for example, renewal of wastes products and venture in less secure markets globally.

What did I learn from my last spectacular failure?

My failure in creating an efficient production schedule at Qatar chemicals at first time when I joined has helped me a lot. The failure has not only taught me that dedication , team work and regular team review are essential in every job , but it has also  helped me to become a treasured mentor in the organization. Having joined Qatar chemicals in 2009, as a production planner and scheduler, my job entitled maintaining the integrity and accuracy in the production process.

This did not come easy since I failed in the first month to come up with an accurate plan to maximize profits. The profits were lower in that month but, I came out strongly the following month. I was able to analyze my failure and come up with the best solutions to them. I learnt that a successful manager must be ready to counter any challenge at any time. I also learnt that   not earned single handed. I was able to analyze my points of weakness and come up with the best procedures to counter my failure, for example, in human errors (came up with a production planning software to minimize those errors). 

What are my short and long term career objectives? What skills do i have to enable me achieve them? What do I think I will learn from my degree and will it help me achieve the objectives?

First of all, my short term career objective is to be a reputable company manager or chief executive officer in the next few years after my MBA graduation. I want to see myself working as renowned business executive with high standards work.  I want to help the company I am working for develop high reputation globally as quality organization with professional employees. In addition, I want to be an excellent mentor for trainees in my field of work to ensure that young people are mentored equally to their utmost level of success.

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In order to meet this objectives, I have what I think is the best knowledge in business administration and my previous experience is also another advantage. Having worked under my current employer from 2009 in my capacity as the production planner and scheduler, I ‘m able to lead any business into profit making and guide other employees into the provision of quality and efficient services.

My long term career objectives are to be able to establish my own organization and manage it under the capacity as the chief executive officer. I also want to develop skills that will enable businesses run efficiently while managing maximum profits. I want to have the best example of an efficient business in the modern business world.

In my learning as a master of business administration, I hope to gain an intense knowledge in business management. Since I believe that, the sky is the limit, I do not wish to be judged that the MBA will automatically guarantee me the best knowledge, but it will be a substantial boost in enhancing my career objective. A master of business administration will enabled me acquire relevant skills in areas of my interest and other relevant areas that will see me advance both academically and professionally.  I hope to gain knowledge from real and evidenced practice in business administration that will equip me with an invaluable skill in business.  I hope to gain skills that will prepare me to advance and counter various challenges in the business and my field of work.

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In order to efficiently run my business in the future, I hope that a master of business administration is an essential and necessity. Learning of MBA is also going to put up my way in further learning as it gives one basics in carrying out perfect and accurate research in managing business through the writing of thesis. The MBA will also offer me a boost in the job market since I must compete favorably with other job applicants in order to get a chance to develop my career objectives I do hope that the study offers one a platform to earn material facts in the study of business as a whole and its branches like marketing, project planning, accounting and finance. By giving me the opportunity to study, I hope to gain a lot in terms of my career development.


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