Free «Strengths and Weaknesses of the UN as a Diplomatic Actor in Todays World» Essay Sample

Diplomacy is the practice of carrying out international relations between nations and agreements between government officials. Such an agreement includes signing treaties and alliances. The establishment of the United Nations was in 1945 immediately after the World War II. During the war, many people died, properties worth millions destroyed, and there was a need for peace. The main reason of establishing United Nation was to promote peace. This international body was meant to bring understanding between different nations and signing of treaties that they will not attack each other. Notably, up to date, The United Nations has played a major role in ensuring peace flourishes and they are still doing more in emerging conflicts. The UN has not only played a role in peace mediation, but other sectors too like environmental protection, human rights and disaster relief among others. This essay analyzes the weaknesses and strengths of United Nations as a diplomatic actor.

Notably, the United Nations has played major roles in peace maintenance among different nations and helped to solve internal conflicts between government officials. Arguably, this body has both its strengths and weaknesses while acting in its capacity. The strengths and weaknesses are explicated below.



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The strengths of United Nation

Firstly, the United Nations has supported third World countries for a long period. After the World War II, many third world countries were lagging behind in general development. However, since then, the United Nations has played a major role to ensure that the economies of these countries improve. Piccone (2012) affirms that apart from promoting peace, they have also ensured that the third world countries do not lack the basic needs for economy improvement. Under the main sectors that the UN has helped are, environmental control, disaster management and relief, medical care and research, protection of human rights and child care. These are among the major achievements of the United Nations; thus, giving it strength. The main aim of the United Nations is usually to ensure that the countries are independent and able to generate their own income.

Secondly, the strength of the United Nations as a diplomatic actor is vital from the way they hold international conferences to raise awareness like gender equality and human settlement. Gender equality has always been a major issue all over the world as most countries shun away from promoting equality between men and women. However, since the establishment of the UN, equality among men and women has improved in many countries. During these conferences, which are mostly held annually, people from different countries acquire information on dangers of different things like destruction of environments child abuse/neglect and humanity crimes among others.

Thirdly, over the last 50 years, after the formation of the UN, the World has not experienced any other significant war like the World War II. The World War II was a disastrous war that left scores injured and many dead. However, after the war is when the United Nations was established, and they have worked hard to ensure that there is peace and understanding among all the countries. The United Nations is always on the forefront to stop internal conflicts among leaders of different countries. The promotion of international diplomacy by the United Nations was achievable by giving certain advantages to its members. Notably, they removed all the tax from its members who include the leaders of Nations.

Additionally, the United Nation promotes trade among its members to ensure maintenance of peace. According to Schaefer (2009), they prompted its members to allow business exchange from nation so that trade and tourism can nourish between them. Specifically, they advised the South East Asia countries to promote tourism among each other. Trade among different countries is significant in peace promotion as conflicts would not easily emerge among them.

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Lastly, the UN’s strength is evident from the way they have been trying to fight nuclear proliferation. The United Nations has been working closely with International Atomic Energy Agency in order to minimize the treaty of nuclear attacks in the super power countries. Nuclear attacks are dangerous and can lead to deaths of thousands of people and destroy properties worth millions. In order to ensure that this does not happen, the UN as an actor of diplomacy inspects the nuclear reactions in 90 different countries to ensure nuclear are not diverted to military purposes.

The Weaknesses of the United Nations

After the formation of the United Nations in 1945, at least 150 skirmishes have emerged worldwide. This may be more wars emerged than those brought to a halt. As a result, it seems the UN is weak in maintaining peace all over the world so that not even a single skirmish emerges. These minor wars have been emerging all over the world ranging from Africa to Middle East. The UN is supposed to ensure that its troops are always on the watch and ready to cub any war that is about to start.

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Secondly, the number of refugees has been growing overtime. In 1974, there were roughly 2.4 million refugees in comparison to 27 million refugees currently. Totten (2007) affirms that the UN as an actor of diplomacy has to play the role of settling humans. However, they seem to have failed in that sector. This has been among the notable failures and evident weakness of the United Nations record. Moreover, these refugees are reportedly victims of unrest in different countries.

Thirdly, the United Nations was to save other generations from seeing the cruelty of life. This was to be achieved through ensuring that no countries would be fighting 50 years after its formation. However, the UN has failed here as the new generations are still experiencing what has been there for a long time. Apart from the wars and political unrest, the United Nations other major role is to settle and provide basic facilities to the displaced individuals. Despite the fact that they have tried, they have not done it to their level best because there are thousands of children without shelter and food.

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Lastly, another notable weakness of the UN is that it has failed to affirm that both black and white are equal in the society. These are issues concerning racism. Racism has been on the rise and the UN as diplomatic actor has always shied away from addressing this issue.

In conclusion, diplomacy is the practice of caring out international relations between nations and agreement between government officials. Such agreement includes signing treaties and alliances. Notably, the United Nations has played major roles in peace maintenance among different nations and helped to solve internal conflicts between government officials. However, it has had its strengths and weaknesses. Firstly, the strength of the United Nations as a diplomatic actor is vital from the way they hold international conferences to raise awareness like gender equality and human settlement. Additionally, the United Nation promotes trade among its members to ensure maintenance of peace. They prompted its members to allow business exchange from nation so that trade and tourism can nourish between them. Contrary to that, the number of refugees has been growing overtime. In 1974, there were roughly 2.4 million refugees in comparison to 27 million refugees currently. The UN as an actor of diplomacy has to play the role of settling humans. However, they seem to have failed in that sector.


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