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Many youth have become sexually materialistic through media, magazine, songs and internet. Although sexual content may affect any age group, adolescents are at high risk especially during the developmental period when the gender roles, sexual behaviors shaped and sex altitudes are been shaped. When this images and messages comes to their minds, they definitely start putting their mind and making decisions based on sex; this might led to negative future outcomes which are not fully developed.
According to the analysis which have been made by researchers, it shows that one hundred and forty three incidents of sexual behavior are been displayed on network television each an every week, they display sexual materials for unmarried partners or between spouses, also eighty percent of movies that are been shown on cable television or networks television contains sexual materials, moreover sixty percent of music videos contains sexual feelings and impulses, they may have a provocative clothing and sexuality suggestive body movements. Also it is noted that a lot of sexual messages are been passed through media and this have negative on Americans youth since they commit themselves in medial more than other working activities, this might not occur only to the Americans youths only it may also occur to other idlers youths who may decide to pass their time on media.
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A survey data shows that majority of youths have the access of media and they use media as the source of their information and guidance, in America it has been reported that, children are living in homes with more than two televisions, ninety seven percent of children are having videocassette recorder in their homes, seventy five percent have access to cable television and more than a half have a television set in their own rooms, nevertheless eighty percent of adolescent repotted that their peers to find out a good educating programs from a media is a hard task or very rare and it is been approximated that only ten percent of the media are educating the youths and majority talks about sex and drugs which destroys the youth.
Moreover, apart from televisions, there are some culture which may have a positive or negative impact on youths, some culture doesn't have time to educate the youths and others go on misleading the youths in a negative ways such as; during circumcision, some culture cerebrate the ceremonies with drugs e.g. alcohol, this has a negative impact to the youths, simply because instead of been taught on how to become immoral upright in future, there are been educated that the time of taking drugs have mature and when the youths come out they out automatic become a drugs abuses, this normally happen to some culture in Africa. Other culture may educate the youths to engage themselves in polygamous, they have a certain ethnicity which have pass its roots all the way to the modern days.
Violence in television has contributed to the negative impacts to the children. Majority of children have become sexual active as a result of violence in television. Due to sexual active, a big number of children are at high risk of contracting HIV/Aids or other sexual transmitted diseases. This violence needs to come to a halt in order to keep the children out of risk. Society should educate youths on negatives impacts of sex and drugs abuse without considering any ethnic, also outdated culture should be eliminated in our society or otherwise we will get the youths life into hot water and its consequence will be highly influenced the future.